Chapter Fifty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Because I've only just come to terms with the fact that I'm a werewolf and now I'm suddenly a witch that's going to have powers and I died and now I'm alive and I'm just. . . having a small panic about it."

He starts smiling, caressing my cheek in a slow and calming rhythm. "You're allowed to panic. We had our whole lives to adjust to being a werewolf, you've only had a week. Genetics make us what we are but I fell in love with who you are. You haven't lost that and you never will."

He's right, I haven't lost that. I'm still me. Despite eating raw fish and having the strength to throw grown men across rooms, there's not much personality difference. I still care for things that I cared about; I still dream of a better world for people. I still feel vulnerable in some ways and confused about what my purpose is. I want it to be him, I've wanted it to be him since the moment we met, but it's more complicated than that.

We start walking along the pretty beach, following the pack's scents towards the magnificent cliffs. We're miles from the boat and it's just a dot in the distance now. I had grown to love my time in the woods but that life is over now. I have to accept that. I have to go into this new life willingly or these nerves will never vanish.

Thorn and I climb the hundreds of steps that take us to the top of the cliffs. The ocean is behind us and I can hear the waves thrashing against the shoreline, just like he said I would. It's a beautiful sound.

"Welcome home, Devon."

My lips twist excitedly as I observe the pack running around the frosty grounds. There are miles of woods all around us but that isn't what I'm focused on. My eyes lock on to the enormous country mansion in the distance, made of light grey bricks. It is Thorn's childhood home, the house he described to me.

It's isolated, which is good, it needs to be. It looks worse for wear, it is covered in overgrown plants that create thick vines from the rooftop all the way down the walls. It isn't the most appealing house but it has character, it has. . . something.

Kira is showing Shadow a swing beneath a tree that I imagined used to be hers. She sits in it with a smile of nostalgia as Shadow pushes her. Thorn is watching her too.

"She's finally happy."

"They are all happy," I say. "They're home."

"What?" Thorn stares at the side of my face but I'm in so much of a daydream that I start walking. "Devon, I didn't. . ."


"Never mind."

The bags are all piled up at the front of the house. No one will go inside until Thorn does. Our hands squeeze together as we approach it. They are all waiting for us. Sky is bouncing, Balan and Pal are embracing each other lovingly. Everywhere around us, couples are staring on with excitement and anticipation. We walk slowly up the small set of steps, reaching the wooden front porch that squeaks from the weight. Some of the wooden boards are rotten and have holes, we step around them carefully.

"You ready?" I say.

Thorn nods, his hand reaching out for the doorknob. He glances up to the wall nervously. "Please don't fall down."

"It won't fall down. We're not that unlucky, surely."

Thorn retracts his hand from the door and stares at me. I have no idea what I've said wrong, there is a shock in his eyes that I can't work out.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Did you see my lips move?" he whispers.

Now I'm even more confused. What an odd thing to say. I don't answer him, I'm unsure what he's talking about.

"Because they didn't," he continues.

He carries on staring, smiling at me with amazement. I look back to the pack that are listening with just as much confusion.

"You didn't. . . talk?"

He shakes his head. "And you didn't even notice."

My eyes widen as I finally realize what he means. I just read his thoughts. I didn't even know they were his thoughts, it sounded like he was just speaking to me. I feel completely normal still, no headaches or dizziness. Nothing remotely witch-like is happening to me.

"You amaze me," he says without moving his lips, keeping that smile wide on his gorgeous face. "I think I'm going to be amazed by you for the rest of my life."

I smile back. If it wasn't for the forty pairs of eyes on us then I'd drag him into the most powerful kiss to exist. This power might not be as bad as Crasuel thinks, it might only exist between myself and Thorn.

I want to share everything with him, I want to stop being afraid of what I cannot control. I don't know what the future holds. I don't know if we'll have years or decades, but it all somehow feels right.

I used to be someone that wasn't even allowed to breathe the wrong way. Running into those woods was the best decision I ever made. Thorn's love made me strong enough to want to live, it made me strong enough to save myself.

I'm still adjusting and I'll keep adjusting to everything this world throws at me, at us. We have an entire family of werewolves to help with that. To help pull us back from the darkness if we become consumed by it.

And no matter what happens, we know.

"When one door closes," he says.

I laugh quietly as he turns on the handle and pushes the door open. I take a deep breath, holding his hand the tightest I ever have, and then we enter.


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