6. Commence, Mission Stark!

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"Clint also told me to warn you she has a protective uncle to watch her back now and if she gets hurt, then he said he won't hesitate to hurt you even if you are his boss," Natasha warned the older man.

"Noted..." Fury stated and then looked out the window to see Maria sitting with Amelia on the chairs, the eight-year-old was distracted by the colouring book in front of her as she talked to Maria. "So can I meet her now?" He asked.

Natasha sighed and nodded wearily. "Yes, alright but Fury, don't be mean to her!" she warned.

"I won't be mean to her, Natasha," Fury said while he rolled his eyes.

"I mean it, Fury!" Natasha stated firmly.

Fury held his hands up in mock surrender. "Relax mama bear, I won't be mean to your kid..." He paused. "Speaking of which, did you fill out all the paperwork that I sent you?" He asked.

"Yeah. It has all been filled out now," Natasha stated as she reached into her purse and handed over the papers to the man.

"It should all be a relatively quick process for you and the guardianship and adoption will be complete," Fury said as he accepted the different papers.

"Fantastic. I'll go and grab Amelia from Maria, she's probably chatting her ear off," Natasha said as turned to walk towards the door.

"Tasha!" Amelia exclaimed, noticing the appearance of the redhead coming towards her from where she was sitting colouring in.

"Hey, маленький," Natasha said as she smiled at the eight-year-old before she looked at her fellow agent. "Thank you for keeping an eye on her, Maria," she said to the brunette.

Maria nodded and smiled. "No problem, Nat. You know your kid is chatty. We've been talking and she told me all about her time on the farm," she stated.

"I hope she didn't chat your ear off," Natasha said amused.

Maria waved her off with her hand. "Nothing that I couldn't cope with," she said.

Natasha smiled before she turned her attention back to the brunette. "Hey Amelia, come with me," she gestured for the eight-year-old to follow her.

Amelia looked at her confused. "Am I in trouble, Tasha?" she wondered.

"No, of course not unless you have done anything you shouldn't have?" Natasha questioned jokingly while she raised her eyebrow playfully.

"No," Amelia said while she shook her head.

"Then you're not in trouble маленький," Natasha chuckled and ruffled her brunette hair. "I want you to meet someone, my boss, Fury. Remember the teddy bear?" she questioned.

"Oh yeah!" Amelia said while she nodded and held Natasha's hand to walk back to the man.

"Amelia, this is Fury-" Natasha started to say but noticed the eight-year-olds eyes go wide and she instantly looked concerned. "Amelia? Uh, are you okay, маленький?" she wondered.

"Woah!" Amelia suddenly exclaimed, not taking her eyes off the older man who looked at her, she didn't look scared though, instead if anything, she looked amazed.

"Hi there," Fury started to say.

"You look like a pirate!" Amelia stated, pointing at the man and obviously, she pointed straight at the eyepatch and then looked at Natasha in excitement. "Tasha, he looks like a real-life pirate!" she exclaimed.

Natasha can't help but stifle a laugh at Amelia's reaction while trying to keep her face straight, she thought that she would find the man terrifying but this was the complete opposite reaction. The redhead hesitantly waited for Fury to respond back, automatically expecting him to say something and scare the child.

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