9 - Low Waisted

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Chapter 9

Jaehyuk strolled down the large corridor, looking through the shop windows for anything that caught his eye. He was shopping at the mall with Jeongwoo and Yedam. They were there to buy some new luggage bags since their old ones had gone through a lot of wear and tear.

"We've been walking for ages, where is the luggage store?" Jeongwoo whined, his voice was incredibly loud and Jaehyuk had to hit him to get him to talk quieter.

"Chill Jeongwoo. We will find it, just enjoy the beauty of shopping and looking through the windows." Yedam smiled.

The three of them had access to a YG credit card which in blanket terms meant spend however much you want. Of course they had a budget and usually wouldn't spend above their allowance but their managers didn't mind a bit of a splurge, TREASURE's popularity was doing well.

Jaehyuk stopped at a toy store window, something had caught his eye.

"Don't get another toy Jaehyuk, your bed is already filled with stuffed animals. We can barely fit on there!" Jeongwoo complained.

"Why don't you just sleep on your own bed?" Yedam asked him, giving him a weird look.

Jeongwoo reciprocated, "...You wouldn't understand."

Yedam scoffed. He actually did understand. He'd often sneak into Doyoung's bed late at night, much the younger's complaint.

"It's not for me." Jaehyuk touched the glass, pointing at something on display.

It was a little stuffed robot, red body and a yellow face.

"It's for Asahi. He will like it, don't you think?" Jaehyuk turned to them and asked.

"A robot?" Yedam raised an eyebrow.

"Why would he like that?" Jeongwoo asked.

"Cause he's a robot." Jaehyuk answered, walking into the store while the others followed him.

"No he's not, he's a human." Jeongwoo 'corrected' him.

"He didn't mean it seriously idiot." Yedam nudged him.

"No, he acts like a robot. He's emotionless and weird." Jaehyuk explained.

His words were full of love but Jeongwoo and Yedam just looked at each other - why was Jaehyuk being such a savage all of a sudden?

Jaehyuk paid for the little robot and held onto it lovingly. The other two disregarded the event and just kept walking.

"Can we stop by a bakery? I told Doyoung I'd buy him some egg tarts, they're his favourite." Yedam asked, the others agreed.

"There's one right there." Jaehyuk pointed at a little bakery a few shops down.

Yedam led them to the store and picked out some egg tarts for his roommate.

"We should buy Junghwan some too, he'll love these since he's growing so much." Jaehyuk told Jeongwoo, the boy agreed.

They walked out of the bakery with two bags of freshly baked egg tarts and some sweet bread which Jaehyuk thought Asahi would like, especially after the biting scenario a couple of days ago.

He raised his sleeve to check his shoulder, the bite marks were gone now but the faded lines of the heart he drew to connect them were still visible - he had accidentally used a permanent marker.

"We've bought so many gifts and not a single luggage bag." Yedam laughed, it was true.

They had bought gifts for everyone... well not everyone. Haruto didn't have a gift and Jeongwoo noticed this.

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