6 - Quarantine

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Chapter Six

"You and the members in your dorm must quarantine until Asahi gets better. Do not leave your dorm. If you need anything, contact us." Jeongwoo read out loud the text from their manager.

"Sorry guys," Asahi groaned from the living room, he was sitting slumped on the couch with his body clinging onto the armrest - he was not feeling well.

"I think it's good. No rehearsals, training or gym sessions. I need a break." Junghwan shrugged, he was sitting at the dining table with the others eating cereal.

"I agree." Jeongwoo said from the kitchen, he grabbed a bowl and joined the rest.

"My throat is kind of itchy." Jaehyuk pointed out, rubbing the front of his neck.

"This is a blessing." Haruto added.

Asahi groaned again, the others turned their heads to see him practically falling off the couch.

"I wonder how Asahi got sick, he was home all day yesterday." Jaehyuk wondered.

"I think it's because he was home all day with the air con on so low. It doesn't help he sleeps right under the vent." Haruto told them.

"And who left the air con on?" Jaehyuk sighed, the one day he wasn't in the dorm someone gets sick.

"Me." Junghwan muttered.

"Asahi did you take medicine yet?" Jeongwoo asked the older, who was now 90% on the floor.


Jeongwoo clicked his tongue and got up to get him some medicine.

"Asahi, get up off the floor please. It's cold." Jaehyuk nagged.

Asahi whimpered and tried to get up but it was clear his body was too heavy for his ill state. Haruto stood up and walked over to him to help him up, practically lifting his entire body back onto the couch. Jeongwoo too walked over, handing Asahi the medication and a warm water bottle.

"It's like looking after a big baby." Jeongwoo said while helping the sick boy hold the water bottle as he drank from it.

"It's cold." Asahi muttered.

"Cold? The air con's not even on." Junghwan furrowed his eyebrows, he was just wearing shorts and shirt and the temperature felt alright to him.

"He must be developing a fever." Jaehyuk pointed out, walking over with a heat scanner.

After a beep, the screen shone red indicating that Asahi's temperature was higher than it should be. Junghwan saw this and brought over some blankets from his room and laid them on top of Asahi. The four boys stood over the sick kid who was now asleep.

"What a baby." Jeongwoo chuckled, Asahi did look really cute wrapped in those blankets.

"So what do we do now?" Junghwan asked.

"Try not to get sick." Jaehyuk replied just before Haruto sneezed, some of it getting onto Jeongwoo's elbow.

"Yuck!" Jeongwoo screamed, Haruto apologised.

"Great. I've got a sore throat already, Haruto's sneezing and Jeongwoo's got his germs. We're all going to get sick." Jaehyuk sighed, sitting on the couch next to sleeping Asahi, accepting their inevitable sickness.

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