3 - Sugar Candy

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Chapter Three

Jaehyuk shoved the vacuum into the laundry cabinet, he struggled to get the door shut but managed to do it in the end. He had just cleaned the entire dorm all by himself. After a while of being surrounded by the violent humming of their little vacuum, he took in the silence for a moment despite the low ringing in his ears.

He knew that during his hour long clean of the house that the others had left, they said goodbye but he couldn't really hear them. All he had made out was "Jihoon", "drive" and "building" which was odd - Jihoon couldn't drive.

The silence was interrupted by a groan coming from down the hallway.

Oh. Asahi's still here. Jaehyuk thought.

He wasn't surprised Asahi didn't go, the boy is usually always in his room and wasn't one to go out. Jaehyuk didn't think much of it, he and Asahi had been left in the dorm alone before, but they wouldn't really do anything together. He  often just went to his room while Asahi stayed in his.

And then he started thinking about it - why don't they do anything together? Or at least talk to each other? It wasn't like they hated each other.

Asahi's just really introverted. I shouldn't bother him. He thought while walking back to his room.

But what if he thinks I hate him and that's why he doesn't come out to talk to me? Jaehyuk's thoughts were starting to get to him.

He paused for a minute outside his room before walking down the hallway towards Asahi's. His thoughts won. Twisting the doorknob a little, he knocked on the door before opening it. Asahi was lying on his bed, holding his phone above his face. Despite being on the top bunk with his arms stretched out, he still wasn't able to touch the ceiling. Asahi really was tiny.

"Oh, Jaehyuk" Asahi said, turning his head a little to glance at him before looking back at his phone.

"Hey Asahi, what are you doing?" Jaehyuk asked him.

He was walking towards the boy, dodging the piles of mess on the floor. He realised he forgot to clean and vacuum the other member's rooms.

"Playing a game." The boy replied, not breaking eye contact with his phone - his thumbs sliding across the screen.

Jaehyuk climbed up the ladder and sat on the edge of the bunk, his legs dangling down.

"What game is it?"

"Nothing, you wouldn't get it." Asahi answered bluntly, he shut his phone off and sat up.

The two boys sat there awkwardly in silence for a minute.

"Did you need something?" Asahi broke it.

"Oh-" Jaehyuk was caught off guard, "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to do anything."

"Not really. If I wanted to do something I would've gone with the others to the arcade." Asahi said blankly.

Oh that's where the others went, the new arcade at YG. They must've been talking about a driving game or something. Jaehyuk realised.

"Well.. did you wanna do something together?" He sighed.

"Sure, what did you want to do?"

Jaehyuk didn't think this far ahead.

Crap, crap, crap. Uh, what can we do? Do we have anything in common.. not really. We could play a game? No. That won't work, he'd rather do that by himself. Not that I'll be good at my games anyway. Let me think... He's Japanese, I'm Korean. Ugh that doesn't help. Teaching him Korean would be so boring.. What about teaching him how to cook? A Korean dish? Dalgona? That's it. We'll make dalgona. Jaehyuk thought, his mind was racing.

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