Five - Trapped

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"Risk it," Said Xie Yuchen who's been stayed silent, "The air in here will be consumed sooner or later, we might face suffocate to death situation if we risk, but there's still a chance of survival rather than waiting here to die."

The ambience fell into silence, all that's left was the suppressed breathing. 


In the end, everyone agreed. 

We started to lighten the weight we've carried, thrown away things that are useless for the rest of the journey. Most of it were just normal to bring here, like extra torches, empty guns......

"Man, are you serious?"  Asked Li Cu and he grabbed something from the beg before Pangzi could react, "Are you on vacation? Here?"

Suppressed laughs burst in the crowd, as they saw the thing held by him was a pack of potato chips.

"Don't underestimate it," Pangzi grabbed back the pack, and begun his 'great truth', "It can satisfy your hunger whenever you need it."

"I've never heard about snack can fill the stomach, " Xie Yuchen replied disdainfully, "Throw it away."

"All of it. " He demanded, before Pangzi's refute. Facing his sharp and serious eyes, Pangzi sighed and dropped the packets of snacks he had brought with him.

A total of five packs potato chips was thrown onto the ground.

"Pang'ye, " Hei Xiazi mocked, "You sure know how to enjoy yourself in such a place."

Pangzi rolled his eyes, make a reluctant look at those snacks deliberately, but obviously, everyone ignored him.

With everything packed, we started to move on. Hei Xiazi as the path leader, led us to the exit. We slowed down our breathing, as the deeper we're in, the harder we breath, yet that means we're close to it. The troop stopped their feet, Hei Xiazi sounded, "Another ten feet we will reach the zone, get your breath ready and wait for my call."

He held his breath and dashed into the dark. Not for long, with the hum of machinery, yelled Hei Xiazi, "Now! "

We started to run, and soon we'd met the exit. Just when the hope rose upon us, someone in front suddenly slipped, his hand held on the wall subconsciously.

The moment he'd pulled his hand back, a 'clank' sound came in the wall, the exit started to close at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The troop have already entered half the number, but the gap getting smaller and smaller, until the last fifth person managed to slip in.

We're trapped in here!

No choice but we have to retreat. With the incident happened just now, we tried to keep distance with the sides. 

"Zhang'ye, you got a way to get out of here right?" Trapped here together with us were two underlings of Wu's family, Lee and Jin. They placed their gaze on Poker face, tried to catch a hope on him.

Poker face didn't nod or shake his head, but his serious expression did told us the answer. Somber surrounded us.

"Gateway is the key." Poker face suddenly sounded.


I drew a knife and made a mark on the wall. After half a minute, the mark moved forward by  about one centimetres.  It is faster than I've thought, yet Wang is an intellectual person, we've been in his set-up since the path behind the cave.

Same as the fork on the road, we've always walked the left side, so when we reached the entry of this circle path, we chose the left path without thinking twice. Combined with the dim situation, the moving wall will never be noticed.

The exit closed estimated two feet width, closed within one minutes, means the motion of the wall had fast forwarded for one foot per half a minute.

We've been in this circle for around 50 minutes, plus the fast forwarded time, the wall have moved anticlockwise for about five feet more.

As Hei Xiazi said before, the diameter of this circle was huge, even though we don't know which direction did the wall moved, it's impossible for a gateway to disappear in the entry point and appeared at the exit we've found with locked mechanism for such a short period.

I looked at Poker face with doubt, he seems to know what I'm thinking, said, "Two opening, not opposite but side."

I nodded, but another question had popped out.

Why Wang built two opening instead of one?


"There are more than two gateways in this circle."

"What? Really?" Jin asked.

"Mn, if only we could stay until the next gateway appear," I said, "If you guys want to get out of here, keep your little dirty paws away from the wall."

"I think there will be a gateway appear twelve meters away from the exit." I estimated.

Poker face glanced at me for a while, and said, "Let's go."

I felt weird, as from the cave, where I cut my palm to drive away those sucking-blood veins, he seems to trust me,

Soon we reached the point, just as we wanted to wait there until the gateway appear, I smelled something.

Something familiar, bad, danger......

Mustn't not what I think about now.

A baby-like cry came from the crack, extremely sharp, and at the same time, a pair of extremely thin claws stretched out and grabbed my neck.

This speed is too fast, no one can react, and I've been pulled to it and hit the rock wall hard.

Poker face reacted faster than those guys who had been almost scared to death. He rushed over and grabbed me, his dagger in the other hand stabbed onto the wrist of the claws before the thing let go.

He pulled me back, seemed to be asking me something, but I didn't respond to him. Every scene in my mind was the action just now, overlapping with the scene in Banai, the scene they're badly hurt because of my useless......

"Mi tuo luo."

I felt poker face hand froze for a second, but I ignored him, grabbing my knife tight, "Square up! Till the gateway open!"

I took a defensive stance facing toward the tunnel in the dark, whispered.

"I'll not allow you to hurt him again!"

...... [tbc.]

Notes : 

Xiao Wu = 小五 in chinese, the word 'Wu' means five, it's not the same word with 'Wu' in Wu Xie

'ye = 爷 in chinese, means master, lord in this story

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