One - Blood vein in the foggy forest

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It was the piercing darkness I ever seen, not merely the darkness came out from the absence of light, but it's total black, like a outer space without sun and stars, without planets and galaxies. No sound, no light, no object, just me.

The pitch black atmosphere was impenetrable, and it smelled of something evil, danger in the darkness that engulfed me. Shivered ran down my spine as I started to ran, hoping there's a way out of here.

A white spot appeared in front of me. It became bigger and bigger as I continued ran toward it, until I saw a figure standing in that white spot. It's a man, but I can't tell who he is. His face was bathed in darkness, so I got closer.

He carried a long-shaped thing on his back, both hands hid in the pocket in front of his dark blue hoodie, a familiar chilly aura surrounding him. I'd be lying if I said my heart wasn't pounding faster than normal.

It can't be, can it?

As I was going to take another step closer, I bumped into something, something like an invisible barrier, blocking my way. The man suddenly said, "Wu Xie. "

I was stunned, it was really him... I seem to see a way to escape here, excitement and eagerness had prompted me. I started to knock the barrier, trying to break the barrier and get the hell out of here.

"Wu Xie, " His voice was cold, colder than the atmosphere on the top of Mout Zhangbai. Yet I still can sense the disappointment from him. He asked, "You betrayed us? "

No... no I didn't... I was...

"You​ betrayed us. " He repeated, but in declaration form. He had already believe I betrayed him, betrayed all of the Mystic. I held my head in dismay, with tears in my eyes. "No, Xiao'ge, I..."

"I was wrong about you." He said, as he turned around and walked away. No...​ no, wait! I banged the barrier harder, hoping I can break it and tell Xiao'ge what's going on.

I heard a tiny cracking sound and I saw a glowing white crack on the invisible enchantment. I was suprised and became energetic to keep doing it, but the next moment, it cracked automatically, like a flower bloomed in front of me.

As they fell piece by piece, the entire enchantment shattered to the ground like a mirror, surrounded by the dark again...


Bang! bang! bang!

I was awaken by that strident gun shots, so were the others."What is going on out there?" Qi Yu asked me as he got out from his sleeping bag. I shook my head, glanced an eye on the surrounding.

Touched the burnt tree branches left in front of me, they just cold and dusty, looks like the bonfire had been gone out for a while. "Didn't I told you to keep the fire burning?"

"S... Sorry, Ling'ge, I must have fall asleep." Xiao Wu apologised. I waved my hand recklessly, "Never mind, where is Renzi, he not supposed to guard with you?"

"The fire is dying, so he went out for more tree branches." I frowned, "When?"

"About... five in the morning, I think?"

Half past six, that's what my watch told me. It's been an hour and a half now, Renzi still didn't came back.

"Xiao Wu, help me, the branches are too heavy." It's Renzi, but he sounded dull, which wasn't his talking style. No, he's not Renzi, who is it?

I met this before, recalling back the scenes in the snake marsh, one of the creepy things was the Rhabdophis tigrinus know how to imitate human words and lure man into their trap.

"Renzi is back!" Xiao Wu exclaimed as he rushed out. "Wait!" I tried to stopped him but he vanished in the fog for just a few seconds.

"What's wrong, Ling?" Qi Xin asked as everyone wondered.

"That's not Renzi." I told them about my instincts and similar things I've met before.

"You mean, that's not Renzi, that's a snake? She doubted.

"I don't know. But it's not surprising to be here."

"Nothing is impossible here." Yu mentioned.

"But maybe the gunshots we've heard are from him, perhaps we should check it out. " Lee, who was located at the innermost part of the cave voiced. I thought about it, and nodded, "Stay here, I'll go."

"Wait, I'll go with you." Qi Xin volunteered herself, but Yu stopped her, "No, girl, you stay here, it's not safe out there."

"I had expected the danger before I came with you guys, uncle. Besides, I can guarantee that my skills are better than your underlings, I can protect myself."

"Can't you understand..."

"Just let her be," I patted his shoulder, took out a climbing rope and threw to her, "Tie tight, fog is getting thicker, this can help us."

She does as I said, I continued, "Stay close to me. Lee, help Yu look after the others."

"Yes, sir."

"Fine," Yu agreed unwillingly, and stuffed an intercom into Qi Xin's hand, "Be careful, any unusual, contact me."

"Ok." Qi Xin nodded, "Ling, let's go."

We got out of the cave and found out the fog was thicker than I thought. Less than five metres, the cave was hidden in the fog.

Whoosh, something just flashed by. I stopped, grabbing my Kukri cautiously.

"Watch your back, we have a company here."

Another sound came from 9, and it's heading to us. I swifted my knife subconsciously, and I felt I have cut something. With a creepy screaming sound, that thing disappeared.

I slowly walked towards that direction, and I saw a long thing lying on the ground, stinky dark liquid came out from the cut. It was trembling, whether was my illusion or not.

"What's that?"

"Vein," I paused, and continued, "Same as we've found yesterday." I wiped clean the Kukri, and cut my palm, blood instant flowed out, dripping down onto the bloody vein. Qi Xin gasped, "What are you doing!?".

In a split second, the vein have withered.


"Didn't you have one?" Qi Xin grumbled, yet she does as I told. I wiped some blood on her knife, and said, "These things scares my blood, it may be useful later."

She grabbed the knife and stared at me: "I know pain is nothing to you, but you're not a machine, cherish yourself."

Qi Xin was not comfort with cutting my hands and bleeding at every turn, just like I can't understand him not caring for his own life every time.

He will let the others take their leave whenever encountering something extraordinary, carry it by himself, bleeding and killing, as if he's a robot. Well, guess I've been influenced by his bad habit.

"Ling, I've found him!" Cheered Qi Xin. I walked up to her, and saw Xiao Wu sat on the ground vaguely. "What are you doing?"

Qi Xin went up to him, "Xiao Wu? You looked frightened, what happened?"

He trembled, pointing front with his shaking hand, "I... I've found Renzi, b... but he..."

I looked in the direction he'd pointed, and exhaled, stunning, looking at the body that have been hung on a tree. The vein we just met before had pierced through his chest, swirled around his body like a snake.

...... [tbc.]

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