Completing The Mission

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Skully calls up an old friend while Beta and Ellie wait.

Ellie: You sure this is where he's gonna pick us up?

Beta: I'm pretty sure.

Skully: We trust him.

Ellie: Ah, there he is. You said you both did some work with him in the past? Or something? If you two trust him, then so do I.

Charles arrives, he seems happy to see them.

Charles: Hey Skully and Beta! Nice to see you both again. Who's your friend?

Ellie: I'm Ellie.

Charles: Well, nice to meet you. Any friend of Skully's or Beta's is a friend of mine! So, uh... I was able to swing by to pick you guys up, but, uh... well you remember the captain...? Yeah, he had to sanction this pickup in return we're gonna need your assistance again. With the Toppats... again... uh... I hope that's alright.

Ellie: Well... It is the least we could do. He is helping us out.

Charles: Good. Let me fill you in on the details when we get into the air.

Charles flies the Helicopter in the air.

Charles: Alright, so what's left of the Toppat Clan has uh... set out some sort of secret base in the jungle... seems like they're planning to launch some sort of space shuttle into orbit. They'll be sitting pretty if they pull this off so we gotta, uh... make sure they don't do that. I talked to the General and he said he's pulling out all our main forces. He said that Skully, Beta and I made a good team last time so he trusts that we can pull it off.

Ellie: Skully, Beta and I make a pretty good team too! Don't count me out!

Charles: Then we're gonna make a great squad. With the four of us, we'll have no problems... Completing the Mission.

Ellie: Why did you say it like that?

Beta: Sounds kinky.

Skully: No Beta.

Beta: But-

Skully: No.

Ellie: Just no.

Beta sighed.

Two Hours before Launch...

Charles: Alright, we're there. I don't think I can get any closer without getting shot down.

Ellie: No worries! We can get there from here. Where we droppin', boys?

Beta: Why not the turret?

Skully: Let's do that.

The three drop in on the turret, breaking it.

Ellie: That was... weirdly... smooth. So, what's the plan?

Sven: The rocket will be launching very soon. Please get on board immediately. I will not hesitate to leave you behind!

Charles: Uh oh. Sounds like they're about to takeoff. You guys should get over there right away. I'll be down to help as soon as I can.

Charles comes down and puts Ellie, Skully and Beta into a cannon.

Charles: Funny story, This was actually made to fire humans. It's kind of weird. Hold onto your butts!

Skully, Beta and Ellie crash into the Toppat Orbital Station window.

Charles Calvin: Direct hit! Now quick, guys. You've got to stop that rocket from taking off.

Ellie Rose: Umm... Got a little bit of a situation...

Beta: It's fine, I know how to handle this..

Diversion theme plays while Ellie, Skully and Beta dance. Distracting the Toppats, they leave the room and in the hall.

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