Moving Forward

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So today I'm packing up my shit and leaving. No more Marcelo, no more Megan and no more visioning my parents.

30 minutes later....

I just got out the shower and there is a knock at the door. I go downstairs to open the door and I see Adrian. He has blood all over and he falls into my arms. I lay him down for a minute and I run to get my phone to call 911. They said it will take the ambulance 20 minutes to get here so I say nvm and I use all my strength to put him in my car. Sometimes I wish Ashanti was still here so she could help me keep him alive. Ashanti was a girl that hung out with me and Adrian when we were little but she died from cancer. She died at the age of 13 right before Adrian and his family moved away.

This was Ashanti before she died

This was Ashanti before she died

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15 minutes later....

I am in the waiting room waiting to hear something about Adrian wondered if he was going to be alright or if he was dead. I really hope he doesn't die. I really can't take another heartbreak. I have to get away.

1 hour later.....

"Family of Adrian Waters!!!"

"Yes ma'am."

"I'm sorry but we did everything we could do. We did get the bullet out but he had multiple stab wounds."

"Oh my," she starts crying.

"I'm really sorry Miss."

"Thank you."

"Did he have any family?"

"I don't know he is my childhood friend and he just moved back here a month ago."

"Well the police are on their way here to ask you questions."

"Yes ma'am, thank you."

"Would you like some water or something to eat?"

"No ma'am."

So Aiyana is going to New York. Will she change her mind or will she be Moving Forward?

And leave more topics I should put into the book.
Thank you!!!!

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