A Sad Day

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Continuing on from the last chapter....

Later on that day she gets home and her parents aren't around. Usually they are home by now but she just thought they had to work a little late. So she just walked in her room and went to her bathroom to take a shower.

30 minutes go by and her parents still aren't here. She starts calling their phones and nobody is answering. Then there was a knock on the door that sounded like a police knock.

"Open up Miss Liman," a police officer said.

She opened the door.

"You are under arrest for public humiliation."
"Sir I can ex-"
"Miss Liman please stop resisting."

A few minutes later her parents pull up.

"Officer why are you arresting her?"
"It is not my job to tell you, you can come down to the station for processing."
"Alright, we'll be down there Yana."

30 minutes later.....

"Your daughter was arrested for posting a video of someone having intercourse and then posting pictures of them naked with bloody faces. Her caption says 'That is what you get for cheating and back stabbing a real ass bitch like me' so that is why we came to your house and arrested her."

"There has to be a misunderstanding," her mother said.

"With all due respect ma'am we have technology here that can locate where a post is being posted from and the address of the person who posted and many more things."

"We taught her better than this," her dad said.

"We'll keep her until her hearing and then we'll go from there. Now y'all do need to understand that she will be in Juvie because she still a minor?"

"Oh lord baby she is not going to survive in there," her mother said crying on her dad's shoulder.

"Yes she will, she is strong," her father said.

24 hours later.....

"MISS LIMAN WAKE UP!!!!" an officer said banging on her cell.

"I'M UP!!!"



"COME ON!!!"

The officer put her in handcuffs and took her to the courtroom. Her mom and dad weren't there and she thought they were disappointed with her and didn't want to have anything to do with her. It was at that moment she started to think about what she did. She was doing everything out of anger. She knew it was illegal but she wasn't thinking at the time and now she has to face the consequences.

40 minutes later....


"Miss Liman, I am deciding to let you go because I see that you are a well behaved girl and you do great in school. I want you to continue to do great. So I am letting you off and your records will be cleared, but don't let me see you in here again."

"Thank you your honor."

"Have a nice day and I am sorry for your loss."


"I am sorry for your loss."

"What do you mean?"

"No one told her yet?"

"Told me what your honor?"

"Why the hell did no one tell her that her parents were in a car wreck?"

"Your honor, we forgot."

"How the fuck do y'all forget to tell me that my fucking parents were in a car wreck?!!!" she screamed with tears coming down her face.

"Baby just go home and be with the rest of your family."

"What family your honor? My mom and dad are the only family I had. So I am going to the hospital to see them."

"Baby im afraid to tell you that your parents did not survive."


"Miss Liman I will personally find a foster family that can keep you until you are 18."

"No need your honor, I turn 17 tomorrow so I can just live by myself."

"Well that can't happen, but I'll let that slide. I will help you get an apartment and anything else you need."

"No your honor I have my own money, I am a mail tech on the side."

Aiyana felt like the world was against her. She did one mistake and the world came crumbling down on her. She regretted every decision she made. She felt her emotions change and her personality change. From this point on she is going to do everything how she wants to do it. Will she come back from this? This day will forever be A Sad Day for her.

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