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December 25

"I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Tanner."

Nicole faced the crowd holding her husband's hand. Her husband. All hers. Forever and always.

The past year had been one for the record books. Nicole and Blake had taken it slow, dating casually, making sure their spontaneous declarations of love were true. The engagement had been in September. A new governor was elected. Winston Harmond was now rotting in jail. All the smuggled weapons had stopped. There had been a quiet, private funeral for Lanie Harmond. Raphael was also doing his time.

Nicole couldn't be happier. She loved Blake with every inch of her being, and he loved her. She didn't know what it meant to be cherished and loved, but now she did.

As they approached the reception venue, Blake paused to give her a wondrous kiss. "I love you, wife."

"I love you, husband."

He grinned, "Did I tell you that you look gorgeous?"

Nicole smoothed her way too expensive, white wedding dress. "Only a dozen times."

"Only? I thought it was more. You look beautiful."

She smiled up at Blake. "You don't look too bad yourself."

They stepped into the venue and were greeted by their friends and family. "Did Jessica Waters ever show up?" Blake asked.

They had invited her for the sake of it, mostly because Blake wanted to show Nicole off to her. "I don't know."

They spent the next two hours taking everyone's congratulations and listening to her sibling's speeches.

"Nic." Cole smiled at her.


He hugged her. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you."

"Nicole!" Jack called.

She turned.

"You can't get angry at us anymore for being romantic. We have someone who can spill the beans on how romantic you are." Jack patted Blake's shoulder with a huge smirk on his face.

"You're married!" Olivia, Grace, Hazel, and Chloe squealed around her. "You're married!"

Nicole laughed, "Yes. Thanks for noticing."

"We can get together for lunch sometime and talk about married life." Hazel smiled at Nicole with a twinkle in her eye.

"You just want her to tell you more embarrassing stories about Cole." Grace chuckled.

"You want embarrassing stories?" Olivia asked. "I have embarrassing stories. I'll have to tell Blake some, sometime."

"No!" Nicole shushed her.

Dominic walked up to Nicole, holding his daughter. "Guess family vacations will be more fun now."

"Now that I'm here? I think so." Blake teased.

Nicole laughed. She couldn't have been happier. Nothing could ruin this night, not even Seth.

Then it was time to dance. Nicole swayed to the first dance with her father. "Nicole, I'm so proud of you. You picked a great husband."

"Even though we had a rough past?" She teased.

Chad laughed, "Of course. It's just too bad. Now I have no children to send off anymore."

Nicole smiled, "I'll dance with you any day."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Dad."

"May I step in?" Blake asked.

"Of course." Her father stepped off and Blake took Nicole in his arms, enjoying their first dance as husband and wife.

"You know, I kind of like this marriage thing." Blake kissed her softly.

"I do too." Nicole smiled as Blake spun her around.

"I hope you like the gift I got you."

"Oh no." She said at his smug grin.

"Oh yes."

The rest of the evening was pure heaven, but when it was time to send the bride and groom off, Nicole was brought outside, blindfolded. "What is this?" She asked, laughing.

Blake tore off the blindfold.

If Nicole hadn't been leaning against Blake already she would have fallen over. A red convertible stood there, looking sleek as ever.

The thing that made her smile the most was the license plate.


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