Chapter 9

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No name, and the handwriting was unrecognizable. She knew it wasn't Seth which was a relief, his handwriting was awful. She smiled as she smelled the flowers. Someone thought she was beautiful.

She sighed and fingered the flowers. They were so beautiful. Just like her. She picked up her phone, "Dom?"

Dominic answered quickly, "Yeah?"

"Did you send me flowers?"

"No..." Dominic sounded confused, "It wasn't Seth was it? I really don't want to punch him again."

"No, it wasn't Seth." She assured him. Then she stopped, "Why did you jump straight to Seth? Did you not think someone else might show interest?"

"Why did you ask me, then if you thought someone else might show interest?" Dominic countered.

Nicole paused. "I don't know." She held the note in her hand, "Well, I'd better let you go, I can hear your daughter screaming."

Dominic chuckled, "Thanks. Bye, love you."

"Love you too."


Nicole stared at the roses for some time, trying to figure out who gave them to her. She stared at them while she ate, even took one and hung it upside down so it would dry and she could press it. She held one while she read her book, (for removing one didn't make the monstrous bouquet any smaller) and talked her mother's ear off about how much she loved them.

She even had trouble going to bed because they were so pretty. She fell asleep with the note on her nightstand.

When she woke up, she scolded herself for being so dramatic, yet she was careful when she was around the flowers.

At work, Jenna practically screamed. "Roses!? Lavender roses!? Nicole!" She jumped up and did a little dance.

Nicole laughed, "Calm down, they're just roses."

"Just roses? Come on, someone shows interest in you. I wonder who it is..." Jenna gasped, but was interrupted by the siren. Nicole followed her out to the sugar babies, her thoughts now filled with worry on who might be hurt.

She noticed Blake at the scene. It was a small kitchen fire, nothing to be worried about. There were minor burns on the mother's arm but she had saved her daughter from third degree burns and she was okay with small burns if it meant her daughter was okay.

Out of the corner of her eye, Nicole saw Blake leave abruptly. When back at the hospital, she noticed him leaving Ford's room quickly. Clocking out for the day, she hurried to her car and followed him, curiosity getting the best of her.

Blake sure was taking an interesting route. Nicole followed him carefully, weaving every so often. She followed him to a street with old warehouses downtown, before pulling into the parking lot of a toy warehouse and continuing to follow his car on foot. The last warehouse was practically falling apart and surrounded by trees. Nicole hid behind one as she watched Blake sneak out of his car. What was he doing?

He stood behind the warehouse, thinking for a while. She needed to show herself or she risked causing a problem. "Blake!" She whisper-yelled.

He stood up tall and looked around.

"Tanner!" She whispered.

He saw her and his eyes narrowed. Looking around before he came to her, she waited. When he came to the tree she was behind, he looked angry and annoyed. "What are you doing here Nicole?"

"You were acting all weird so I followed you. I'm glad I did because this place is creepy." She motioned to the warehouse.

Blake groaned, "Nicole, really? You could get hurt."

She put her hands on her hips, "I'm a paramedic. I'd know what to do if I got hurt. I'm also a grown woman and know how to take care of myself. You go in there-" She pointed to the warehouse, "I go with you." Nicole prided herself on how firm she sounded, sure he wouldn't go in once she said that.

"Fine. Just take off your jacket, it will give you away."

Nicole slid off her jacket and dumped it on the ground. She crossed her arms to warm herself. Of course Blake makes her freeze.

"At least you have on a black t-shirt." He grumbled.

"Soaks up the sun. Oh wait, there is no sun." Nicole shivered, glaring at him.

Blake sighed and started to take off his jacket, "Here."

Nicole pushed him away, "No, I don't need it."

"Nicole, you have goosebumps all over your body. Just take it." He dropped the jacket into her hands.

She rolled her eyes but put it on, feeling the instant warmth of the leather. "Thanks, I guess."

"You're welcome, now follow me inside."

"Inside?" She asked, surprised.

"Yes, inside."

Nicole nodded and followed Blake. He slid open a small door in the back. Stepping in first, he looked around before he whispered for her to follow him.

She slid in and hunched behind some stacked boxes. "Blake, what are we doing in here?" She whispered.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to the boxes, "You're going to get us killed." He muttered.

"I'm not the one who decided to come here in the first place!" She glared at him.


Nicole quieted.

Blake turned and peered over the boxes. He kept his head low, as there were people talking.

Nicole realized she had made a mistake in following Blake. He was experienced in this stuff and she was not. She hugged her knees to her chest and tried to be as small as possible, to not distract Blake. 

Closure (Partners in Crime Book 5)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang