TW: Disconnected Function

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She moves her feet back and forth. A never-ending round of walking the room's perimeter. Everything is a jumble, the world is entangled, and nothing is in its proper place. She wants to scream, but she knows it won't help. Nothing ever does. There is no way out.

Except for one thing.

However, she prefers to store it for a special occasion rather than wasting it. We don't want to come across as obnoxious, do we? No.

So she sits and waits. And then there's waiting. Until she can no longer take it. Her existence is taken over by the urge, which is fighting for domination.

And it rejoices.

She takes the razor in her hand, relishing the cool metal; it is her rescue. She places the edge against her skin while she breathes. Inside her, a giddiness rises to the surface.

Now is the time to live! The sound of a little voice coos.

She softly drags the surface, asking the skin, while closing her eyes. Across her arm, admittedly. The discomfort is relieved as the pressure is loosened.

She remains alive.

She rushes over to the counter-top and grabs the knife, watching the blood flow down her arm.


She disinfects and patches her wound slowly. It is something that she is very intimately acquainted with.

She enters her room and settles down peacefully, drifting off to sleep.

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