04 | fall

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a/n: I apologize in advance: this chapter is grossly unedited.



I arrived at the wedding late.

In my defense, it wasn't on purpose- time ran at an abnormal pace when you only wished it would stop ticking entirely. I handed the valet my car keys after I got out of my car and took a long look at the tall, magnificent hotel that was the venue of both the wedding ceremony and the reception with a faint feeling of unease beginning to settle in my stomach.

I walked past the entrance, breezing past the doormen who nodded in greeting. This was beyond my episodes of crippling anxiety. I had a feeling something was off somewhere, but I couldn't tell what, and that had me feeling off balance.

I stopped at the elevator and waited for the ride to arrive. I looked down at my feet that were beginning to ache. Damn these heels. They were super uncomfortable and I hated the fact that they were my prettiest ones too. It didn't matter anyway. The question of how good I looked or how uncomfortable my shoes were was irrelevant when I planned to have my ass planted in a seat away from any attention. Not like I would be getting any with all eyes on Natalie and Elliot. Elliot. Was he aware I was back in New York? I wondered what his reaction would be to seeing me after so long.

"Are you here for the wedding?" A deep voice came.

My head snapped up in the direction of the stranger. I was met with curious brown eyes, and I blinked back my surprise. The person in question was tall, with his suited attire hugging the contours of his upper body quite nicely. His hair was the darkest shade of brown, striking a delicate balance with his eyes. My olfactory senses were the last to catch up- he smelled... divine.

It seemed I had been staring mutely for too long because his lips curved into a knowing grin as he nudged his head in the direction of the elevator which his hand held open.


Fuck, it would be way too pathetic to speak now. But I had nothing lose. I quickly got into the elevator. "Yes, I am. Are you?"

He got in too, and after the doors shut the space suddenly felt a little too small.

"Yeah, I'm a friend of Elliot," he maintained eye contact while he spoke. I didn't know how to handle that, especially as I fought to remain composed. Truthfully, I had not had any meaningful contact with men in a long time. It was something I avoided on purpose until I just got used to it. I didn't feel like I needed all that in my life again. I never felt like I deserved it.

"We went to uni together," he continued, stood a few feet from me. "I'm Dominic."

"Amanda," I said and broke eye contact, linking my hands together. "I'm a friend of the couple."

"We're late, Amanda," he remarked with a small chuckle.

I pressed my lips into a thin line. "I know."

"I'm usually only at weddings for the desserts. Of course Elliot's means a lot more, but I'm not a huge fan of the concept of marriage."

I turned to him, now the curious one. "Why's that?"

The elevator stopped and parted open to reveal an open hallway. Dominic hesitated and I got out before he did. To the left was a shut door decked out with large pink and white flower arrangements. At each side were security men, as still as statues.

Dominic was headed in the opposite direction. "I'll fill you in someday, Amanda. For now, make sure you save me a dance. I need to use the restroom before I go in."

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