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Where is Colbie? I look around. I wander throughout the castle until I hear something like him groaning. I throw open the door. Victor's doing something to him!!!
"Shuin run!" He groans.
"Nnnnnnngh!" His eyes are dark. Victor laughs. He asks, "Why can't I use my bloody powers?"
"I stole them from you idiot."
"Watch this," Victor says before doing something. Colbie's stomach is expanding. Victor laughs, "See?"
"Nnnnmmmmgh!" His voice is somewhere between pain and pleasure.
Oh no!
"Sh—Shuin! Just go!"
His stomach finally stops.
"Why do you want me to leave?"
"Don't want him to hurt you!"
"Awww that's cute," Victor says.
"I can't leave you though!"
I'm blasted by dark magic. What was that? I wake up. Colbie is weakly carrying me.
"What happened?"
"He stole your powers."
I look down.
"That's why I told you to run."
"I'm sorry. I just couldn't leave you." I look down again.
"Hufff it's okay. I'm sorry for yelling but I was so worried," he says starting to cry.
"I'm sorry."
He sits down weakly. The weight is obviously getting to him.
"Are you ok?"
"So hot."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay it's not your fault okay?"
I nod. He kisses my lips. Hey!!! I push him back.
"Hey! As far as I'm aware we're alone."
I sigh.
"And that was the rule."
He smiles weakly. I kiss his lips.
"I can't believe this happened."
I nod.
"I'm so dizzy."
"Are you ok?"
"So dizzy," he mumbles.
I rub his back. He hugs me. I hug him back. It starts to rain.
"Let's go inside."
"I ran away from the castle because I was afraid that he'd try to enslave us."
He nods. He scoops me back up then tries to get up. I sigh. He falls back down then starts to shiver. I give him my jacket. He weakly smiles. He can only get it onto his arms but he can't pull it around due to his swollen stomach. I chuckle. He blushes sadly.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
"I can walk myself if you want."
A cave! We go inside. He passes out. I hear something. I look around. I don't know if it's friendly or not.
"Whose there?"
The noise comes closer. I go see what it is. I grab my dagger. Ki?!?
"What are you doing here?"
"Shuin?" He asks weakly.
I nod. He sighs.
Ki finally continues, "I ran away from the castle after what he did to me. I didn't know what else to do."
He seems to be unable to move his left arm.
"Are you ok?"
"I can't feel my arm after What he did to me."
I nod.
"Did he steal your powers too?"
"I don't know."
Colbie starts to wake up. He groans, "Nnnmmmgh oww my body it hurts."
"Gormy? Are you okay?" Ki asks nervously.
"Yeah... besides the fact that our powers are gone."
My powers must be gone too!
Ki nods sadly, "I'm sorry."
"It's okay Ki it's not your fault."
"Come on I've got rooms for everyone."
I nod. He leads us to rooms. Colbie walks in after Ki leaves. He just lays down beside me.

Flashback ends.

Victor appears in front of me. 
"What do you want?"
"Just checking on my prisoner. Have you noticed anything different yet Shuin?"
"I guess not. Don't worry about it yet."
What is he talking about? He leaves with a twisted smile. He laughs.
"Don't worry about it yet Shuin!"
I've felt a bit uncomfortable recently but it's nothing major... what is he talking about? That's weird!
I feel colbie mind messaging me.
"Are you okay?"
"I think so."
"Okay... it's late we should probably both rest."
There's some seeds and nuts for dinner again... that's still so weird. I eat some.
"I'm getting kinda worried."
I'm so exhausted from all this...
"I'm worried too. I will save you I promise! As soon as I'm better!"
... feel so tired.
"Shuin? Shuin can you hear me?"
I pass out.

Chrystal's POV

Colbie suddenly screams, "Shuin!"
"What's wrong?"
"Shuin! Shuin you better be okay!"
"What's wrong with Shuin?"
He doesn't speak outside of shouting Shuin. I sigh. Raymond looks over. I look over.
"Is he going to be okay?"
I shrug. He takes my hand looking kinda scared. I look down. He leads me out.
"Where are we going?"
"Just out I don't really wanna be there."
He pokes his head back in. I look around. Colbie is still going off. He's worried about Shuin but it's a bit frightening to see this gentle giant going crazy. I sigh. Raymond leads me back to the kitchen. I'm kinda hungry.
I nod.
"Let's eat"
I nod. He gets us some food. We eat.
"It's late we should get to sleep."
I nod. He leads me to the bedroom. I lay down in bed. He lays down besides me. I turn over. He sighs.
I nod. He falls asleep.

The next morning.

"Love me love me say that you love me."
I look over.

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