Caboose: I knew you did!

Church: Go away!

Alex: Good to see you Church.

Washington: This is your friend?

Caboose: Yeah.

Will: He's got fucking bad aim!

The shooting resumes

Washington: And he's shooting at you.

Caboose: Well, at me and stuff around me. Yeah, it is kind of like our thing. See, he acts like he doesn't like me, but he really does. Oh and he might bring up something about me killing him, but that's only the truth. Uh it's a joke. *inhale* You could play along if you want!

Will: You did kill him Caboose.

Alex: I saw it.

Washington: Wait, that doesn't make any sense. You did what? You- you killed him?

Church: Hey, scram, seriously! Get the fuck outta here!

Caboose: Hey Church! This is Agent Washington! He needs to speak to you.

Church: Agent Wa- You brought a Freelancer here? What's wrong with you guys?

Alex: Sorry Church.

Washington: Open this gate.

Church: Uh, no can do, bud. See this is a secure facility: nobody in, nobody out. Sorry, I guess you'll have to come back, never.

Washington: Oh no, then I guess we'll have to just walk through the huge hole in your secure wall.

Will: Why is there a hole in the wall?

Camera aims at the huge hole in the wall

Church: Fine, I'll open the fucking gate.

Cut to the inside of the base

Church: Okay well, sorry the place is so messy. I would have cleaned up if I'd known you guys were coming. But hey, no one called ahead.

Washington: How long have you been here?

Church: How long? Um... What day is today?

Washington: Today is Tuesday.

Church: I've been here fourteen months.

Will: That long?

Washington: What? Over a year, by yourself? Alone?

Church: Yeah, it's been um... it's been great, I mean just, just, it's been great. Really great.

The radio sounds

Command: This is Command calling Recovery One, come in Recovery One.

Washington: (to the Blues) You are really an odd group of people. Hold on. (to Command) This is Agent Washington. I found some Blue Team members that have extensive experience with Omega.

Church: Did he just say Omega?

Will: Yes.

Caboose: Yeah. And some other words too.

Command: Excellent, Agent Washington, please stand by for orders.

The camera pans behind someone invisible who then darts off before Caboose looks where he was

Red vs Blue season 6/ Reconstruction male OCWhere stories live. Discover now