Hundred Forteen

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Nayeon's PoV

This is it, it's now or never. I prepared myself as I planned to go to Y/N's house. I want myself to talk to the president. I know what's on us is hard. But I won't let them forbid me to see Y/N. Not now that I know she came back and that's because she promised.

"Mom I'll be going now."

"This early? Wait, Jeongyeon is still not coming down-"

"I told her that it's on me now. We'll go out later. I just need to go somewhere very important." I said as I kissed her on the cheek.

"Wait- Nayeon!"

"I'll come back for sure! Love you mom!" I yelled as I went out of the house.

I looked at Jeongin's message to me last night. He gave me their address but she has no idea that I'll be going this early.

As I went to a cab and told the address, I messaged Y/N. I didn't tell that I am coming but I just greeted her good morning.

Not so long, I arrived at their street. I went out and just walk a little until I stopped in front of a big house.

This is it.

Suddenly the gate went open. Not for me but for the car who is coming out.

I looked at it and saw the former president inside. My body moves by default that I run in front to stops them.

The guard who opened up the gate looked at me and about to approach me when the door or the former president's car opened up and he went down.

At first he didn't recognize me until he got out of the car.

"Mr. Yang." I called and bowed at him.

"I'm here to talk to you about your daughter. I know that she's here and awake already." I said without even stuttering.

As I thought will ignore me because he went in again and told to his guards to open the gate again.

As it's inside now, he went out and told me to come with him. I did and we get inside the house. It's still early so I expected that Y/N maybe is still sleeping.

"Oh hon, did you for-" a lady stops as she saw me. If I am not mistaken, she is Mr. Yang's wife, Jeongin's mother.

I bowed at her and I know she knows me too. Mr. Yang signed me to sit down as he also told to his wife to get me some coffee or something to drink which I refuse since I am fine.

"I want to see your daughter, Mr. Yang. I came here just to see her. I was so surprised when I came back at the hospital and she's no longer there. And yesterday... I saw her with Jeongin. I didn't waste time and I came here."

"And why do you wanna see her? I don't see any connections of you to my daughter." He said.

"Believe me or not, sir. I've been with your daughter too. It's not long to be called as a true friendship but you can't say... I just really wanna see her." I plead.

Suddenly we heard a door went open, upstairs. I looked up and saw Jeongin. He also looked down and went his eyes wide open as he saw me.


I just smiled and bowed at him.

As he got down and stand beside his mom who also standing behind the former president's couch, I looked back at the president.

"I know what happened just caused too much break of trust on us. But Mr. Yang. I won't go here if I didn't know Y/N is alive and fine. I've been hoping she is after that day. I did what you want, I stand against my father also because that is the right thing to do. At least I want you to trust me. So I can be with your daughter."

I came in to Y/N's room as the president let me. Although I could feel them staring at me as I walk to Y/N's bed.
They are just standing in the doorway.

I can't help myself but to get closer to her more. I know that she's still in her deep sleep as I can see her chest going up and down.

I leaned down on my knees as I rest my chin on her bed just watching her.

I heard the door closed which made me look back. I am more glad as they let me here and no longer will be watching me. I don't know what could I do with their daughter as I missed her so much.

I looked back at Y/N again and she's still sleeping. She's actually sleeping on her side, facing me so I can really see her features.

I saw her hand. It's been so long since I last hold it. That even happened on a dream that I didn't know is true.

I carefully grab it, not wanting to ruin her sleep. I gently rub my thumb on her knuckles as I smiled through joy.

"You're finally back." I coed as I can't help but to kissed her hand softly.

Then something caught my eyes, it's her table where she showed me her works.

I stand up and walk to her desk. Suddenly her tablet opened by itself. I sat on the chair in front of me and monitor all her works.

This, even the colors are the same with my dream. I keep on swiping and checking the others. Which made me realize she remembered all in that dream.

"Who are you?"

I looked back as I heard Y/N's voice. She seems scared but when she saw me, she just went confused and speak again.

"Nayeon? W-what are you doing-" before she could finish her sentence, I run to her and lock her in my arms.

I hugged her the way I missed her. I leaned my head on her chest, feeling her beating heart. It does feel new, I know I heard her heart beat ones and that is really a big sign that she's still alive! Why I haven't noticed that.

Before I could know, I was crying so hard. But I restrained on crying so loud that I am biting my lips just to prevent my whimpers.


"D-do you remember? Our promise, your promise. You are now one of us again." I said and moved back to see her reaction.

I saw her reaction changed. More like confused but have a clue.

"You're right, it's me. I am the one on your sketches. Remember? Becoming one of us." I said.

She halted back as she's frowning more. She sat back in her bed as she grasped on her hair.

"Y/N?" I called but she just started to cry and yelled as she keep grasping on her hair.

The door went open and I saw Jeongin also Mr. Yang. They rushed to Y/N and checked her.

"My head hurts, dad. I-I can't- ahh!" Y/N yelled in pain.

"Noona, stop we are here!"

"Dad make it stop! My head!" Y/N yelled as she's crying so hard now.

I immediately called ambulance because I know they would need it, Y/N would need it.

Now it came worse. I can't just stand here and see her crying and in pain.

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