Sixty Six

921 109 8

Third Person

The car was filled with silence as Tzuyu left Nayeon.

"She likes you."

"I know it's crazy."

"She likes you."

"Chaeyoung knows she likes you."

"She likes you."

"She likes you."

Nayeon groaned as words keep running in her head.

"There's no way she would like me? She's just doing and acting kind because she needs me." Nayeon anxiously said.

"Wait- that sounds obsessed... I mean, she just needs me to finish her mission. I am her partner."

"Partner because of a ritual and not the partner we usually think tho. That's a whole damn joke." Nayeon hissed.

"Am I conversing with myself? What the- ugh!" She exclaimed and slammed her head on the steering wheel.

"Calm down, Nayeon. You need to find her." She talked to herself. She made few more breathe and hung her head up.

"Okay. Okay... the only way to know, is to find her. I need to find my partner."

She started her car and the speed she's much can do.

"Y/N! Where the hell are you!?"

Your PoV

"Arghh! Ahhh!"

"Oh noo! Ahhh!"

I rolled my eyes as I heard consecutively screams from the humans. I just got tired staying at the hiding place and doing noting but to her Nayeon calling me.

"This is stupid. How come the would find them scary with that nasty white powder on?!" I hissed as I watch human running out of the horror house.

I'm actually in the amusement park. Where everyone is loud. How ironic we ghosts hate loud people but still go to this place.

Maybe because... this make us feel alive. You know, I am a third level now. Everyone wants to be alive if you are a third level.

I move out of my place and decided to just play around. I suddenly had this thought of scary people.

"No sweetie, you're doing dumb shit."

I stopped as I heard a voice that sounds like stopping me.

"You really think going down to the human's level is a big achievement? Make some dignity on your level."


"W-what are you doing here? I thought... I though you are mad at me?"

"Mad? For?"

"You left after- wait... aren't you!?"


"Y/N you made a ritual with a living!?"

"I know it's not a good decisio-"

"Not a good decision !? Y/N it's stupid! You just secured yourself in this ghost life just like what happened to me!"

I was shocked as Yeri threw those words to me. It's not just a word but it has the feels of disappointment and madness.

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked as I remember her last sentence.

Seems like she cane aware of it now that she boiled down.

"What do you mean just like you? You... you made a ritual living before?"

Is that why she's been here?

She doesn't want to stay her but because she does said have a choice?

"Yeri. Talk to me. What do you mean just like you?! Did you do-"



"Stuck. In this miserable world and have no choice but to see her happy with her own life and family." She added.

"I-... I'm sorry." I just said.

I was too overwhelmed with her revelation. So it wasn't just me...

End of Flashback

"I thought you were mad at me. You left after you said that thing. I was confused and- and... I want to know more about it." I said.

"What for?"

"I'm... I don't know." I sighed.

Why do I need to know?

"I don't know what to do. I want to distract myself of hearing her calling me. I'm... curious how you able to get stand of hearing your person's voice calling your name."

Maybe, just maybe... I have to accept that I will no longer meeting my mission. That I'll be like Yeri, forever in this world as I watch the person I love to build a family of her own.

"She didn't." Yeri said which made me look at her.

"She forgot about me."

"That's impossible. How can she-"

"It is, Y/N. And It was my fault. Our love... it was full of selfishness. We are sure with each other. As if no one can break us apart. I... I was the reason why she tried to e-end herself."


"Y-you let her?!"

"No, Y/N. I didn't... I didn't know she was thinking that way. It was the love with had. It came toxic and- and... That moment, when I thought she'll be dying. She was saved. By her partner right now. She had her memory loss. She forgot about me. My name. The whole me."


"I never bother her again after that. She's more safe right now."

"But the bond?"

"It's still there. I can't leave this place not because I have to stay here. But because I can't. I have no reason to stay here but the bond. It locked me up in here, Y/N. But I still got my peace. She's in good now. She's in good now." Yeri stated and starting to cry.

"I don't want you to be like me. But I realized that... the more I won't help you, you'll end up like me. You gotta go to your person and stay with her until you get into your mission."

"But what if I'll end up like you."

"I won't let that. Now, go back to your person. I'll help you both the get on your jobs."

I can't help but to hug her out of happiness. We met for a reason. We are together for a reason.

An absence of family? She's here. Maybe this is what it feels like.

"Oh really! let's go and get back to your person."She said and chuckled.

"Y/N, you have to be in here."

I stopped as I heard her voice again.

"Why?" Yeri asked.

"Nayeon... she's calling me."

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