Thirty Seven

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Third Person

Y/N walk back after staying for long in Dahyun's place. She doesn't know what to feel. It's like her day just turned her ghost life upside down.

As she went back in the house, all she can see is the ashes of their place. It's all gone.

It's few minutes before 3:00 and the others are still nowhere. But that just for a while. Not so long, Tzuyu came with Chaeyoung and Momo.

"What the?!"

They all run and saw how nothing's left just the ashes of the house they stay.

"What happened?! What did you do!?" Tzuyu asked.

"I... I didn't." Y/N said still looking at some small pieces of wood.

"Oh crap, you fire up,man." Chaeyoung said.

"I told you, it's not me. I.. I left and when I came back." Y/N lied.

She looks at Momo and Chaeyoung, she doesn't know what to do. Should she tell about Dahyun? It is like she caught off guard. If she'll tell to Momo and Chaeyoung that she knew someone who has connection with them, what would happen?

Meanwhile, Tzuyu knows that something is going on. She can tell just by looking on Y/N's expression.

"Where are we staying now?" Chaeyoung asked.

It's not that it's a big deal not to have a place to stay with. But having a home, house, building or anything that feels like a shelter makes them feel a bit of life of living. Besides, ghosts are human too before they died.

"Can we stay in Nayeon's house instead?" Momo asked.

Y/N turned to look at Momo.

"What?! No!"

As they heard the latter's growled, they all looked at each other confusedly.

"W-why not?" Momo asked.

"Yeah, you two having a quarrel?" Tzuyu asked.

Y/N hissed as she doesn't have time on teasing and messing around. Her day is completely mess and seems like it will be having it's part two!

"Ugh! Whatever! Go there if you want to! Don't cry if she tell you to leave her alone!" Y/N said and disappeared on sight of the three.

"Why would we cry on that?" Tzuyu asked confusedly.

"Wow, knew something is wrong." Chaeyoung mumble.

"Uhuh? I think there's more of that." Tzuyu said meaningfully.

"Can we go now to Nayeon and ask her to have us some candles?" Momo butted in.

Since they want it too, they agreed. About Y/N, well, they think giving her some space would help.

Meanwhile, Y/N decided to walk wherever her feet brings her. All she want is just a normal day but it didn't started and ended as how she picture it.


Y/N looked up as he heard a voice calling her. Then, she saw Yeri on the tree. Yeri jumps off in front of Y/N and like the last time, she greeted her nicely.

"You said you have house? Why every time i see you, you are on a tree?" Y/N asked but really, she doesn't have energy to talk to the other one.

"You said you have house? Why are you roaming around by this time? Many third levels are active during this period." Yeri informed.

One of the reason why they need shelter, to keep them safe.

"I had." Y/N said.

Yeri frowns and look at Y/N asking for details. Y/N didn't know, she's walking again with Yeri.

"A living just arson the house where my friends and I is staying."

"Where are your friends then?" Yeri asked looking around if Y/N is alone or not.

"They are probably staying in a fine house now." Y/N muttered.

"Had a bad day huh?"

Y/N just shook her head. Well she can't deny it. Her expression say it all.

"Instead of minding those, why not try to loose up? We are ghosts, we feel what living feels. We get tired, we need rest." Yeri said.

"How? Everything i see just trigger me." Y/N hissed.

Yeri shook her head. She knows that there could be a solution with it. Y/N is just closing it and locking those loads on herself.

"Why not try cutting off the root of it. I know you don't want to. But, try to remember what is the first thing bad your day bad. And then, solve it."

Y/N thinks, there is no other way but to talk to Nayeon. But her pride just can't let her. She don't know but she felt hurt when Nayeon told her to leave.

"Tch, no. Never in a million times." Y/N hissed.

Nayeon's PoV

I woke up feeling so right. No bother, worries and thoughts ahead. Maybe Y/N is right. I shouldn't have think of those ghost stuff too much.

I suddenly miss the time that I don't see ghost. I mean, yes, it's cool that I have this ability. I never regret having this. But thinking, I want to be normal again. And if I will, I will stop pretending that I can see them just like what I did before.

I sat up and just right time my alarm rings.

"Good morning!"

I almost jumped on my bed as I heard voices greeted me. When I look at the side, I saw the three ghost sitting on my couch.

Wait, three?

"Good morning, where's Y/N?" I asked as I noticed that she's not with them.

They just look at each other as if they are asking who would talk. Then, Momo clears her throat.

"First, can you light up a candle? Probably five will do." Momo said and giggled.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I get off my bed and opened the cabinet where I hid the candles I bought yesterday when Jeongyeon and I went on shopping.

"Wow! You really have those!" Chaeyoung said.

"Yeah, I kinda think that you guys will be needing them. I mean, Mina don't go often in your house. Probably you miss having these." I said and light up the candles.

I only only light up three since I need to save some if they will be need it again. They run to the candle holder where I put those candle like kids who just saw it for the first time.

"Hope you don't mind we are here." Chaeyoug said who's enjoying the candle.

"I told Y/N that it's okay now if you'll appear. I just need to be along the other day." I said honestly.

"Really? She didn't tell us." Tzuyu said.

I frowned as I heard that.

"Then what are you doing here?" I asked.

Chaeyoung sighed and look at me.

"The house where we are staying is gone. When we went back there, it's all gone and ash." Chaeyoung said.


They started to explain to me what exactly happened.

"Wait, so you are here since 3 in the morning?" I asked which they all nodded.

"At least we didn't wake you up, so don't get mad." Tzuyu said.

"Then how about Y/N?" I asked.

"She had a very bad day. I thought she's with you yesterday but before the house got arson, we saw her in the house all down. We thought she needs time to be alone so we gave her."

"We even thought that you and her had a quarrel. She even warned us not to cry of you will tell us to leave you alone." Momo said.


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