chapter 12

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Wilhelm pov
I woke up by Brian shaking me "WE  HAVE ONLY 10 MINUTES LEFT BEFORE BREAKFAST END" he screamed right in my face "also goodmoring" I mumbled
I got out of bed whill Kyle and Brian basically sprinted to breakfast whill I picked up some clothes form the ground

Suddenly I remembered everything form last night I caught myself blushing but their was none else so I just let myself blushing I was just about to put on hoodie on but their knocked someone on the door I though it was Kyle or Brian who forget something so it opened not bothering put a hoodie on

"Simon?" Their stood the boy I had the biggest crush on as soon I saw him in the church "Hey" he said out of breath like he runned here "I though you we're sick I wantend ask someone but I didn't  so I runned to you're dorm with this sandwich! He rambeld out

I stood their by the door problay blushing as crazy "so you want sandwich?" I realised I just had stood their for a minute saying nothing "ah thank you but im actual not sick" I managed to get out I welcomed him in

He sat on bed and looked around "cool room he" he said I took on my hoodie and gave him a fast smile I prayed that he wouldn't turn around but he did ofcourse God had something against me

"Is that me?" He said grabbing a photo the wall

(This is the pic if anyone cares)"Ye" I said soft "we looked look adorable!" He said turning to me with a smile what just want melt me right trough I walked over to him and sat next to me

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(This is the pic if anyone cares)
"Ye" I said soft "we looked look adorable!" He said turning to me with a smile what just want melt me right trough I walked over to him and sat next to me

"Wilhelm" he said looking right into my eyes wich make me anxious "mhm?" I kind of mumbled out "I'm sorry.. for putting you right out their I didn't know what was coming over me" He looked at me with tears in the eyes I'm almost started crying myself by looking at him "No need be sorry Simon I was also being a dick" I gave a hopefully smile to him

He gave one back "now that also now about you're condition I brought uhm you're pills" he hands me them "thanks, wait how did you managed to get them?" I could see on his face that he doubt it but he told me "like cause of the uhm tape got leaked I managed to get their trust?" He said looking at me hopefully but also awkwardly

I brust out in laughing "oh shut up!" He said look embarrassed but I couldn't stop laughing he grabbed my face like he used to I stopped a bit in shock and look at him my eyes full with love he also looked at me a bit in suprised by his own move

We came closer by eachother face he his hand off my face but that didn't stop us form moving closer at some point I could feel his breath at my lips I was gonna kiss him right their in the moment if it wasn't that that Kyle and Brain brust in the room we jumped off eachother

"Oh hey Simon!" Brian said like he had tottaly no clue that he just ruined our "kiss" moment Simon stand ups "uhm I'm gonna bye guys!" He said walking "WAIT" Brian said "see eachother in the music room for the project you know?" Brian said "yeah text me the time" so he disappeared out of the room

As soon the door was closed Kyle and Brian started "OoOoO" they said at the time I let my head dropped against the wall with the picture in my hands "you almost KISSED Simon Eriksson!" Kyle basically half screamed not even a second I throwed a pillow at his head what all of us burst out in laughing 

--~time skip~--
3 of us walked into music room where Simon was (trying) playing piano was their anything the boy couldn't do!? "Hey" he said with the sweet smile god I could adore whole day

Kyle placed a little table next to the paint where we could sit around whill simon sat by the paino "so anyone any suggestions?" Kyle said a bit frustrated "uhm can the song already like be a song?" Simon said looking at us "Ye but how less popular the song how higher grade you can get" Brain said what maked none sense but also a lot

"Let's do sorry by halsey" Simon said "sorry by who?" Kyle said confused "excalty you don't know the song so more people who have the same problem!" Whill he said he put the song on we all agreed was good song so we did it the instruments we needed we're paino, guitar, mellotron

Simon was gonna sing Brian can play the paino I could play a bit guitar but Kyle had no idea what a mellotron was in the first place was good sing
Whill Kyle tried to even put on the mellotron on we already started practising

"I've missed your calls for months it seems
Don't realise how mean I can be" he voice sounded like Angel none could stop now
"Cause I can sometimes treat the people
That I love like jewelry" the lyrics really seemd to hit him as soon he wantend go on Kyle screamed something

"YE IT GOT IT ON, whill I try to practise you guys get water or sum" he basically pushed us out of the room so we did what he said we we're gonna get water out of the kitchen

In some magic way Brian had out of nowhere a pencil and he decide to poke me with it so I started to walk backwards as soon we entered kitchen it goes worng

"HAH you haven't even poke me in a minute" proud fully I turn around wich lead to me falling over chair I immediately started walking backwards cause I was scared Brian was gonna poke me again then I felt backwards over a chair so I turned and felt over a other chair they both burst out in laughing whill I was hanging over some chair

As soon we got in kitchen Brian runned first to counter and maked glass water wich afterwards me and was left Simon over as a joke I hold my cup above Simon back but Brian had his drinked his drink so he punched the under my cup what leads to some water spilling over Simon in a split second Brian was out the kitchen

What means he left me their with a cup with water Simon turned around not looking very happy before I could even say a word of explanation he already throwed his water over me I runned over to counter and filled my cup with water as soon as he realised what I was gonna do he runned

At some point we we're running rounds around the table me screaming his name and he just laughing at some point he gave up and let it just happen only problem whill running some water felled out of the cup so their was not much left I trhowed the last bit over

"Was that everything?" He scoffed I nodded catching my breath after both catched our breaths we sat on chairs "did you know that Brian was the one actual throwing water over you?, he punched under my cup what leads getting water over you" I said whill bit laughing

"Really!? What jerk" he said now also laughing I could kiss him right in the moment

Btw if you think the water thing or the chair things were unrealistic these we're based on things in irl😭

Like except for chairs I walked 3 times against a pole each time a different pole and was trying to avoid burlap bag form my guy bsf😟

And the water things also with same guy bsf he was running for his live around the scouting house😒

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