chapter 6

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Wilhelm pov

Kyle and brian acted like some litte kids but I couldn't excuse them I was acting the exact same giggling the hole time just like the old days when they were younger it was always 3 of them me kyle and brian where walking up to the dinner table I grabbed a plate

Wille! Kyle said

I looked up before I could even look good what happend kyle wiped sauce on my face brian tottaly lost it again I grabbed the ketchup and was just about to pour it on his face when Walter and Henry walked in

Hey Wilhelm Walter said

Who are you? Kyle said in jealous tone will still holding the Mayo

We are his friends Henry said behind Walter back

So you replaced us? Kyle said as a drama qeeun

I could feel the confused look of the boys on me so explained the story will kyle and brian just nodded the whole time dramatically

Oh cool we could sit the end of the table Walter suggested

We agreed and sit their but we had to wait until everyone was here so we could eat their were missing some people one of them was Simon he was nowhere on the just at the moment I though that Simon walked in all Simon friends were nonbroaders so he would problay sit alone I wantend ask him if he liked to sit by us but I didn't but kyle did it

SIMON COME SIT BY US Kyle practically screamed

Simon face lift up when he walked up to us with his place he sit next to Henry what means he sit in front of me

You guys coming to the party? Henry said

Mm I think no? I said looking down at my plate

NO!? kyle and Brian both screamed at the same time

We havent been to ONE PARTY since you were gone cause the lItTe pRiNcE wouldn't come kyle said mad

So yes we are going brian said

I could hear Simon giggling a bit I looked up to him our eyes locked up for some secs but he looked away immediately

Are you coming too Simon? Walter asked

I am not invited so he said will playing with his food

Well form now on you are invited Henry said will wrapping a arm around

I could feel the awkwardness form Simon coming but I just kept looking at my plate

--~time skip~--

What should I wear? kyle groaned

I was hanging up some pictures on my wall form me and my friends ofc my bestfriends were kyle and brian but I had a lot more friends I missed them everyday even the ones who had betrayed me

What are you going to wear wille? Brian asked

What do you mean I look perfect right now I said smirking

They both rolled their eyes will I was walking up to the shower to take a shower

--~time skip~--

I got out it was quite dangerously quite I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out of the shower into dorm but when I walked none was their I checked my phone and saw a message
The plastics😍

Southpark guy: we are already going so don't miss us to much🥺
These mfs I sighed I grabbed my clothes form the ground and took them on and fixed my hair I walked out the door but it hit me I promised to pick up Simon for the party well more kyle promised it but I felt guilty to not pick him up so I knocked on his door

"Hey!" Simon said

"Hey" I said I stood their

Well should we go Simon said

"Ye sure let's go" I said will moving so he could come out of his dorm

"OoOo real gentleman" Simon said with a smirk

We walked up to the party it was not hard to find it their was music blasting hard

As soon me and Wilhelm walked in the place the alcohol hit my face everywhere you looked around you could see drunk teenagers or people making out

me and Wilhelm wanted to walk forwards but we we're stopped fast by some guy who offered us some (alcohol) drinks I immediately turned it down I promised myself not to drink alcohol after seeing what it did to my dad I could see Wilhelm doubted it but at the end he took it whill mumbling something

We stood their awkward I was just about to say something but Kyle and Brian run into us and dragged Wilhelm away he looked back at me one time with a little smile what warm my heart up but I immediately tried to shut my feelings down I couldn't forgive him not so fast

Some time passed by the whole time I stood bit by Walter and Henry I realised between the time how close these 2 were what I also realised between the time how drunk Wilhelm got people were cheering him up the whole time to drink more if it we're shots or just a beer it didn't matter it kinda hurted me to see him like that but I tried to ignore it

"Hey" he said walking up to me I turned around and I realized it was Wilhelm  "hey" I sighed it annyonned me so much to see him this drunk I just wanted shake him and scream why the fuck he would drink so much but I didn't "it hot here let's get out" he said before I couldn't even answer before he took my wrist and dragged me outside

We sat at the same spot we sat the first party I remember Wilhelm try to sing the Hillerska song and saying he found singing beautiful I shooked my head and looked forwards and saw Walter and Henry running into the forest laughing and giggling

"Did you ever realised how close Walter and Henry are?" I asked him and looked his dricetion he tilted his head up and look them and then at me "no I don't think I ever realised" their was awkward silent he looked at me once and we burst out in laughing but we we're fast interrupted

"WILHELM" we heard drunk voice that could be only one person August none would have been so desperate for this drunk he immediately pushed my head down "ugh I dont want to see him EVER" he said looking angry "wow calm their what happend so fast" I scoffed
"he leaked our tape" I turned white.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" I stood up immediately he looked in pure fear "I'm so sorry Simon I meant to tell yoy ear-" I interrupted him " EARLY!? FOR HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOW" it was silent for some seconds "some hours after you break things up" I lost it I started screaming of the top of my lungs I didn't care if people heard me I was angry. Untill I saw tear dropped and a another then much more he was crying  I walkee away but he start crying harder and harder I looked back and saw him I couldn't leave him there I walked back and picked him up

The whole walk he apoligzed and cried I felt guilty for making him cry this much but I tried not to show we stood infornt of glasses form our dorms I wanted walk away but he grabbed my wrist "are you still mad at me?" He said looking at me You could see he cried much I sighed "bye Wilhelm" before leaving to my dorm

why? -young royalsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن