chapter 3

371 12 1

Simon pov

I woke up with empty feeling I would do anything just to woke up next to him again just the touch of him his face and his handsome smile god I loved him

Simon? I heard sara asking trough door

Yes sara?

It christmas mom maked special breakfast you coming?

Mhm be there in 5 mins

I got out of bed searching for some clothes I found some pants and did them on I found yellow perfect yellow sweater and did I it on wait I though where my purple hoodie?? I realized I gave it long time ago to whillem wait does that means he still have it..? I just got out of my room and walked over to dinner table mom taked so much time in the problay

Look so good mom!!

I could feel her glowing she was still standing in the kitchen making pancakes I saw sara coming out of shower I smiled at her she smiled back but immediately looked away there was something off on her but I couldn't figure out what my mom gave us our pancakes

como dormiste simon?
(How did you sleep Simon?)

Great mama i said smiling at her

And you sara? Mom said

Fine she said

My mom was looking usually trough mail whill me and sara were eating
Out of nowhere she her eyes were getting big and she looked straight at me



Recibiste lecciones privadas de nuevo!?
(did you get private lessons again)

No I didn't I said

Her face look already calmer whill sara faced looked more stressed she opend and her eyes went wider

someone wants to pay us to get boarders!!

My eyes went wide open who could have did this the questions were racing trough my head what if it was whillem?.. I looked at sara she look very happy but not as surprised

What a good news! mama said happy

But mama that means you will be home alone alot

My mom looked at me

Simme I will be okay this big chance for you and sara you should do it

I sighed and looked at her and agreed actually leaving my mom was not only reason why I didn't want go I was not sure I was mentally ready to sleep in the same building as whillem I sighed and cleaned my things up and head back to my room

--~time skip~--
I was hanging upside down on my bed with my phone I was still shock form the letter I will move in by hillerska I was actual kinda excited for it? Then I hear knocking


The door went open ayub and rosh were standing their I tottaly forget to tell them the news

We already heard it and we are happy for you BUT we get a pizza before you leave us alone for you lItTe rIcH lIfE
They said dramatic

And giggled and agreed to get some pizza with them we went to our favourite pizza place in bjärstad

Whillem pov

The boys were full of energy


They said both screaming loud

Yes and please calm down volume not everyone has to know

We were walking I remember lying to Simon saying I never been to bjärstad I been actual there very much time and now I will go their again just praying that I won't see him we went in the bus and sitting tottaly in the back so we all could sit together

I just can't believe you got something with a boy YOU form like everyone brian sat there talking in shock

I was giggling a bit about it kyle just was sitting their smirking

I now this form the moment we met like you were to gay for words he said rolling his eyes dramatic

I pushed him a bit and he looked a bit annoyed

GUYS SMILE brian sayed

He took out this phone and tooks some pics whillem missed being with his friends he felt like he was finnaly home again brian posted some of pics the pics whillem was okay with it now i remember telling Simon to delete that post of him I felt bad for him fuck his mind got again to Simon why was he like this

WHILLEM!! kyle screamed

Everyone looked at us and I was back at the reality

Are you thinking about him brian said smirking

Uhm no I said with nervous smile

Dude you bad at lying just as bad as brian cooking skills

EY he said

They just started arguing whill I was laughing my ass off we were finnaly their we got off the bus and started walking around bjärstad ofcourse I got some weirds stares but kyle and brian just stoke their middelfingers up for me my mom would problay get mad at us but who cares I was happy to be back with them

Let's go to our favourite pizza place were we used go as kids brian said excited

Before me and kyle even could say anything brian brian grabbed our arms and took us to the pizza place

Simon pov
Me ayub and rosh were laughing so hard I that I hardly even could walk I had the feeling that my last drink was about to come out my nose

Simon do you remember that guy Mike at our school~ rosh said smirking

I turned immediately red


Me and Mike used to date and let say Mike and me got caught by some pretty sexual shit rosh and ayub started to laugh even harder form my reaction whill i was still red we were walking to our favourite pizza place here we also go we are hungry we finnaly arrived by pizza place and sitting by some table whill we were waiting for our pizza I was on phone and looking trough Instagram and saw photo of whillem and some other people I immediately scrolled until I heard ayub mumbling I looked at to him he was staring at something no someone it was WHILLEM what was he doing here!?

You seem him also? Ayub asked like whillem was some kind of ghost

Yes I sighed

What was he even doing here!? And who are these two guys he was laughing with he looked so happy..? I didn't saw whillem many times smiling or laughing I didn't realized I was still staring at him until he looked back at me he looked at me like I was kind of ghost the two guys looked confused at him untill they saw me they started to shake whillem like he won the one million and it actual look kinda cute to see whillem smiling whill he got shaked to the death I caught myself smiling I looked immediately away I saw rosh being confused rosh turned around then she saw whillem immediately she looked annyonned?

Sorry for long no post :((
I write so fast as I can a new chapter!!

why? -young royalsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt