Chapter 6- Sophie

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Sophie didn't know what Ro wanted or why Mr. Forkle was tagging along but just from the look on their faces, Sophie assumed it wasn't a good thing. Ro has never directly asked Sophie to do anything for her before, so for her to be coming around at a time like this worried Sophie more than she wanted to admit.

Ro sighed. "I need you to help me get Ke-"

"Miss. Foster, there has been a development involving Mr. Sencen" Mr. Forkle interrupted as Sophie gasped, needing to lean on her bed for support. "And before you come to conclusions, I need you to listen to me.

Just as Sophie's world started to spin, Sandor started shaking her by the shoulders and helped her sit down while Flori started singing.

At first it was calm and peaceful. Birds singing, crickets chirping and butterflies flying. But as Flori continued singing, it became uplifting and powerful. It made Sophie feel like she can do anything she puts her mind to.

Sophie almost didn't want Flori to stop but as she opened her eyes to see a misty eyed Mr. Forkle, she remembered why they were there. After looking again, she noticed Ro's eyes looking a little damp too, but she tried to hide it by looking out the window.

"You feel stronger since I last sang to you" Flori said blissfully, "You didn't need me this time, but I'm happy to lighten the load for you whenever you need it".

"Thank you," Sophie sighed gratefully.

"Admitting when you need help, shows true strength my Moonlark" Flori said.

There was an awkward silence until Ro cleared her throat loudly, "I think Blondie should probably know what's going on with our one and only Lord Hunkyhair".

Sophie took a deep breath, trying to keep it together as she held onto her bed, remembering how inspiring Flori's song felt. Flori started singing again but Sophie interrupted her.

"Stop Flori, I'm fine!" Sophie said reassuringly. When Mr. Forkle looked hesitant, Sophie repeated, "Mr. Forkle, I'm fine".

"Are you sure Miss. Foster? I wouldn't want to tell you only to have your echos stir up, if they haven't already".

Sophie mentally and physically checked for any signs that her echos stirred, and when she couldn't find any, Sophie glared at Mr. Forkle, he sighed, "Okay fine, I will tell you what happened to Mr. Sencen after you promise me one thing,'' Mr. Forkle said firmly.

Sophie knew that from the look in his eyes, she wouldn't be arguing her way out of this one. Sophie sighed, "Okay fine, what is it?"

"You need to promise me right now", Mr. Forkle started, looking into Sophie's eyes, holding her by the shoulders, "that you won't turn reckless and become the Sophie Shell we all know has been coming".

Sophie's eyes turned glassy at those words. Sophie was so used to everyone babying her, especially after they saw how bad Sophie handled Keefe's departure. Sophie appreciated that Mr. Forkle was telling Sophie whatever news he had for her, even with all of the struggles Sophie has experienced over the past couple weeks.

"Okay, I'll try" Sophie told Mr. Forkle, ready to rescue Keefe if he's in danger. Even after Mr. Forkle's speech about not turning reckless, trying to make sure a friend is safe isn't being reckless right...

Mr. Forkle looked like he wanted to leap out of there but he stepped back, giving Sophie some space and sighed, "Okay but if you go back on your word..."

"I won't" Sophie reassured, trying to sound serious, which she was, she was just preparing for all the possibilities.

"Alright" Mr. Forkle started but he stayed silent.

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