'Pay up,' Lorenzo smirks. Alessandro sighs and hands him $50.

I look at the clock on the wall, it's midnight.

'I'm going to head to bed,' I say. Adriano finally stands up and gets out of the ring.

'I'm not going to school,' Alessandro says. Everyone looks at him.

'Someone needs to entertain Mimi,' he shrugs.

I smile to myself. Even though they met recently, he seems to have a little soft spot for her.

'We're going to be late!' Alora yells down the corridor.

'Coming!' I yell.

I straighten out my short, black skirt and examine the new tattoo on my neck. I fiddle with the strings of my brown, zebra print shirt.

I take off the clear foil that was on it. It looks good enough to leave in the open air.

I leave my room and see Alora waiting for all of us. She's wearing a baggy blue graphic jumper with a white turtle neck underneath and some baggy jeans.

'You took your time,' she sighs.

'What about the others?' I ask.

'They're in the car,' Terzo says.

We walk out of the house and get into Adriano's black Range Rover.

The passenger seat is free so I sit there.

'Where's Amira?' I ask.

'She went to headquarters to train some recruits,' Zoya says. 'We'll see her later.'

Adriano rolls up the sleeves of his grey hoodie. I see the glint of a sliver chain around his neck and his hair is messy, nothing unusual about that.

He starts the car and drives off.

I look through the window in front of me and nibble on the corner of my mouth. We stop at a traffic light and I see Adriano staring at me.

'Stop doing that,' I say.

'Do what?' He asks.

'Staring,' I reply, 'Focus on the road, not me.' He chuckles and brings his attention back to driving.

We soon arrive at school and Adriano parks the car. We all get out and my skirt has ridden up my thighs. I pull it down.

'Dilara!' Alara yells. She runs to me and hugs me.

'How are you?' I ask. I see that Diana's with them.

'We've been good,' she looks behind me, at the Giovanni's. I turn to them.

'I'll be with them if you need me,' I say.

Kai comes and swings an arm over my shoulders earning a glare from Adriano, which he ignores.

I look over and see Diana eyeing Adriano like he's a snack.

I swear I'll gouge out her eyes. I mean she's not wrong, he is a snack.

But he's my snack.

'We'll take good care of her,' Aiden says.

'I've got your homework that you missed,' Carlos says.

'Thanks Carlos,' I say smiling at him.

'I'll see you guys later,' I say.

Kai keeps his arm around me and we walk off into the school. I can feel Adriano's gaze on my back, but I don't look behind me.

'We're going to watch Aiden and Kai's basketball practice at lunch,' Alara says.

'I might be able to teach you guys how to shoot,' Aiden laughs.

'That'll be fun,' I say, as we walk to the lockers.

What do you guys think about Diana joining their friendship group again?
Thank you all so much for the positive comments they really make me laugh.
Have a nice day!

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