"That's good to hear."

Nyles then saw Verona was awake through the window of the door so he took a deep breath and decided to go inside "ahem," he cleared his throat to get their attention, the two saw him standing by the door. "Perfida... I want to talk to Verona...alone."

"It's okay, sweetie, I'll be fine."

"Sure," Perfida stood up and walked out the door feeling concerned if Nyles might do something to Verona, Perdita was there outside with Bryce and Harrison. "Purdy!"

"What is it, Peachy?" Perdita asked.

"Nyles is in there with Verona, can you please keep an eye on them?"

"Sure," Perdita went through the door and started watching them.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to confront you or anything," Nyles walked to the window like he was avoiding to look at her.. "This has been a weird summer, don't you think?"

"I agree, so why are you here?" Verona asked.

Nyles sighed and turned to look at her "I want to say, thank you."

"What?" she did not expect that.

"It got me thinking that maybe I was being unreasonable twenty years ago, you were right to raise him... instead of me," then he turned to her. "And I'm sorry for what I said earlier about Dominic."

"You really have become a fine man, Nyles, I wish I saw that a long time ago."

"Hawkes told me that Roland needed peace to crossover and as a father, I should set an example and by doing that, I want to make peace with you," he tightened his fist reasons of that last part was very hard to say, Verona really felt remorseful and started crying.

"I'm so sorry," she weeped. "I admit I was selfish and wrong to keep him away from you and wanted to keep that secret to my grave" that was difficult for Nyles to hear but he was strong enough to not get angry. "Roland was like you, he had you're talent and love for arts, he was adventurous like Geneva."

"Really?" he smiled.

"Yes, he loved painting landscapes like the ones that Geneva loved to go."

"Yeah, Jen always liked the outdoors, she would take me hiking even though I get tired easily and she asked me to draw the mountains," he reminisced. "She dreamt to have a cottage for her to explore the woods and for me to sketch them."

"Nyles, I really am sorry that I put you through this".

"You know, after everything that's happening, I learn that life is short so there's no reason for me to be mad at you. I forgive you," he sincerely said to her.

"Thank you, Nyles," she sobbed and smiled at him, Perdita was still there seeing that heartfelt scene then she left the room.


"I see you patched things up with Hawkes," Archie walked up to Perfida.

"Yeah," Perfida nodded.

"I really am proud of you, Peach."

"Thanks, Papoli," then they hugged, Perdita appeared in front of them.

"They didn't fight," Perdita said to them.

"Who?" Archie asked.

"Oh! uhm... Nyles and Verona."

"I asked Purdy to check on them because I thought Nyles might do something to her," Perfida explained. Hawkes was watching over Dominic then he felt this headache, he had a premonition, it was like he was seeing things through Roland's eyes, he was in the living room, destroying things and scratching the walls, Hawkes got back to reality then he got out the room. He found the others in Verona's room and Perfida saw him coming "hey! what's up?" she asked him.

Stellar Spectrum Book One: The Faceless Ghost Where stories live. Discover now