Chapter 22

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The next day, Archie was in the bedroom with Harrison lying on the bed reading news then his phone rang, he checked the who was calling, he was suprise to see who it was, "Verona?" he answered.

"Archie, I need your help," she sobbed.

"Verona, what.. what's wrong? are you crying?"

"Archie... it's Roland, he's getting worse..."

Archie looked worried "I'll be right there," he said to her.


Perfida decided to see Hawkes with Perdita and skipped her way there "are you sure you want to do this?" Perdita asked.

"Yeah, I just want to make amends just for peace of mind," Perfida said. "March is right, the least I could do is to forgive him, he was just trying to help me the best way he can."

"That's good, Peach," they saw Keith again standing outside the building, she stopped hopping and walked towards him.

"Afternoon, Keith."

"Hey! it's you," Keith greeted back.

"By the way, Keith, this is my sister, Perdita."

"Hi!" Perdita said to him.

"She's a ghost too?" he asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"Nice to meet you," Keith said to Perfida in a friendly tone.

"Is Hawkes here?" Perfida asked.

"No, as you probably know, he's a..."

"Cop, right, so he's not in his office?"


"So you know about him too?"

"Of course, he's the only person who can see me until you two came along," he explained. "Having third-eye are very rare these days."

"We notice."

"So what are you doing here anyway?"

"Well, I wanted to talk to him and return these stuff..." Perfida showed him the pictures and other things.

"Oh! those, you have those."

"Yeah..." Perfida looked sheepish.

"You know, Hawkes is one heck of a bodygaurd after saving you in that alley," he blurted, Perfida and Perdita looked at him in a strange way.


"He told me someone attacked you in that alley the other night."

"Yeah," Perfida recalled that very night. "Oh! my God," she realized how he really risked his life for her.

"You can get inside anyway, it's not locked."

"Thanks, Keith. Come on, Purdy".

They got to Hawkes' office "wow! this looks scarier than the one who's in here," Perdita shivered.

"Says my ghost twin," Perfida joked.

"Very funny."

"It'll just be quick," Perfida walked to his table and just put all the stuff she took on his table then something caught her eye, it was her drawing of Roland's father at the age eighteen that was transfered to a photo paper in an A4 size partly covered in the folder so she got curious again and opened the folder, there was another photo behind it.

"What's what?"

Perfida moved her sketch to the side and it was Roland's father in twenty years older, Perfida looked closer to it because he looked familiar, too familiar then it hit her "oh! my crapolai," she gasped.

Stellar Spectrum Book One: The Faceless Ghost Where stories live. Discover now