Sick Little Games -5SOS Fanfic

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The car bounced over a pot hole and I jolted awake, I had been enjoying a peaceful nap against the car window while my little sister, Molly, slept on my lap. I looked out the window to my right to find a boy, about my age 17, pissing himself laughing in the back seat of the car next to ours. I gave him a questioning glance and he mouthed “Your face” before smushing his face (quite unattractively) against the window. Oh god! Is that what I looked like while I was sleeping? I blushed and turned away, embarrassed. I heard a faint tapping sound and found he had wound his window down and was currently pegging skittles at my car. I hit the button on the side on my door to yell at him, but as soon as I did I was hit with thousands (Okay maybe that’s and exaggeration) of skittles.


“Oops! Sorry” He laughed sarcastically “I’m Michael, by the way”  

“I’m ebony “ I kind of screamed to get my voice hear above the wind.

“So…Ebony, want to taste the rainbow?” He winked and stuck his tongue out to show the half eaten rainbow skittles before winding up the window and disappearing back into his car.

Sure he was cocky, but confidence is sexy. You know?

I put my earphones in to block out the noise of Molly (Who had woken up sometime through my chat with Michael) and dad fighting, again. About five minutes later I looked up to see Michael’s car still driving next to ours on the highway, and guess what? He was throwing fucking skittles at me again!

“What is this dickhead doing!?” Dad yelled once he noticed Michael.

“He’s throwing stuff at the window to get my attention”

“Well tell him if he doesn’t cut it out I’ll throw you at him!”

I smiled to myself before waving at Michael to let him know he had caught my attention. I wound down my window expecting him to say something but instead he put his window up and grinned at the confused look I’m sure was on my face. Then he held a small piece of paper up to the window, I struggled to read it but made out “My number is 0412345678, I know you were just about to ask”

I quickly typed his number into my phone and sent him a message, because I knew he wouldn’t make the first move.

“Twat” Was all I sent him, to which he replied “Whatever you want bby ;)”

This went on for about an hour. Me insulting him, him turning everything sexual and so on. Tho I must admit it was fun…..

“Molly, Ebony! Get your shit, we’re here” Dad yelled as we pulled up at the hotel we wound be staying at for the next two weeks of school holidays.  Yay for family vacations -_-

After unpacking Molly and I decided to head to the pool to get away from Dad. I put on my bikini, took my hair down and grabbed a towel before going to see if Molly was done.

We finally arrived at the pool after getting lost about 30 times. I put my stuff down and walked over to the edge of the pool.

“Nice ass!” Someone whispered from behind me groping my butt.

I gasped and turned around to come face to face with Michael, shirtless Michael, shirtless Michael in wet board shorts to be in fact!

“What are you doing here…um Marvin?”



“Michael actually, but I haven’t forgot your name Emily”

“Ebony and you’re going to pay for that” I grabbed his arm and tried to push him in the pool. Bad move Eb.... He picked me up by the waist and effortlessly through me in the pool.

I came back up and glared at Michaels grinning face.

“Not funny. You got me wet you ass hole!”

“Oh I bet I did, but what’s that got to do with you falling in the pool?” He winked at me.

“Teenage boys” I sighed getting out of the pool.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked following me to over to where Molly was tanning next to my towel. The tables have turned!

“You’re all the same, all bark no bite. Get your mind out of the gutter!”  I spoke casually as I tired up my long dark hair.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your flirting but Ebony; may I ask who is he? Molly asked sitting up and taking off her sun glasses.

“Hi, I’m Michael.”

“Molly, nice to meet you!” Molly beamed jumping out of her chair to hug Michael.

Oh no she didn’t this one’s mine! I’m not saying that in the way it sounds, I mean I’m not that desperate! It’s just that Molly made friends so easily, and for once I wanted to be the one with someone to do stuff with on these boring holidays! For the previous three years I’ve had to third wheel with Molly’s friends or sit on my own, but this year would be different.

“Yeah, anyway. Marvin was just leaving, weren’t you?”  I asked Michael

“No, actually Emily. I was thinking I could hang around with the two of you. I mean, I have nothing better to do…”

“Ugh! Fine I guess” I sighed dramatically. We both knew neither of us wanted to leave each other, this game was just getting started!

“Um, you two have fun. I really don’t want to get in the way of the wild sex I’m sure you’ll be having soon.  See you later Eb, be home by 10!” Molly said as she dumped her stuff in her bag and started to go back to our room.

“So Marvin, what do we do now?”

“Anything you want babe, I have a few ideas”

“Any of those ideas involve me keeping my top on?”

*-*-*-*-*Michaels POV-*-*-*-*-*

I had to make my move now, while I still had the confidence.  If I took too long I’d get attached and I’d get all mushy. I’m sure she felt it to, it was too hard not to! I’m not sure what it was, a spark? Sexual tension?  Whatever it was I just wanted more, like a drug. I needed the games, the flirting and the teasing. It was turning me on!


He didn’t even reply to me, just made a little grunting noise and pushed me lightly onto the lounge chair where molly was previously sitting. I couldn’t hold in a small moan of pleasure as he straddled me on the chair and kissed me hard. It was a good thing it was 9pm and we were the only people down by the pool because when we pulled apart about 15 minutes later Michael had his hands firmly planted on my breasts and I had my fingers tangled in his rough hair.

“So I’m guessing I turn you on as much as you turn me on?” Michael asked before sucking roughly on my neck, his huge hands still resting, on my bikini top.

“Ummm” Was all I could manage to say, well moan really. I was enjoying this far too much for my own good.

“Well then let’s get you home now, it’s getting late” He kissed me lightly on the lips then stood up before pulling me up with him.

“Oh I bet you’d love to take me home!” I smiled at him fixing my hair and adjusting my top.

“And I bet you’d enjoy it just as much! But sadly I mean home to your own room. Wouldn’t want you getting grounded so soon”

Michael walked me home like a true gentleman, ironically. Just when I was starting to think he’d somehow changed, we arrived at my room and he pushed me up against the wall next to my door grinding his crotch against me he whispered in my ear “Maybe I’ll get to third base before this holiday is over” Then turned around and continued down the corridor until he turned the corner, out of view.  I know I should be discussed that he said that, trust me in not exactly a slut! But it’s all part of the game, and so far I’m really enjoying this holiday.

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