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as time moves on


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SOME PEOPLE SAY YOU ONLY HAVE ONE TRUE LOVE THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFE. Some would say you can have multiple true loves, it just depends on your outlook on life. Harlow Finley believed in love no matter what — she liked to think that a person can fall in love over and over again. But a part of her felt as though human beings are wired to always love at least one person. Because no matter what, she knew a part of her would always be in love with Bruce Wayne. Her heart was interwoven with his from a young age, she knew him like the back of her hand. Harlow Finley thought a lot about everything, but Bruce Wayne was at the center of a lot of her reoccurring thoughts. She missed him, she wanted to know how he was doing, if he was okay. A part of her grieved him, Harlow knew deep down that he wasn't actually dead, but if he came back it wouldn't be the same Bruce Wayne she was engaged to. It wouldn't be the same Bruce Wayne she had been best friends with, that she had fallen in love with. Harlow was okay with that thought — as long as he was okay. Harlow Finley knew a lot of things about love, but the main one was, that she would always be in love with Bruce Wayne.

That made dating quite awkward. Harlow liked to laugh about it, three years out from Bruce's sudden departure and she felt like it was time to move on. Time to try and let herself grow (which, in reality, is what she knew Bruce was out there doing to himself), key emphasis on the word try. She had already grown more in three years than she had thought one person could. After all, she had started her residency and that alone is enough to change someone. She was working 36-hour shifts at least twice a week (during that first intern year, after that it stopped), Harlow Finley had been beaten down and berated by patients and the doctors she was working under, that was what happened to all of the interns. See, Harlow Finley's optimist views were quickly changed and thrown away. That change helped to form her into a surgeon — Harlow Finley wasn't the same and she was happier for it.

The worst part about not having closure when it came to Bruce was counting down the years since he left. Harlow found that she often thought about him. Each year that passed became the "blank years since Bruce skipped out on town" and something about made her stomach unsettled. A small part of her expected him to come back. But now, as the seventh year approached and a death certificate was signed, Harlow Finley thought that it was time to drop that expectation. After all, she had moved on. She was a trauma surgeon fellow — on her way to becoming one of the best in the field. She had even let herself move on from Bruce, finding solace in Dr. Jonathan Crane. But that voice was still screaming in the back of her mind about Bruce Wayne. Seven years. Seven years was a long fucking time. Seven years ago, Harlow Finley would have expected to be happily married to her childhood best friend and high school sweetheart. Seven years ago, Harlow Finley thought she may have had a kid by then or at least had talked about having one. Seven years ago, Harlow Finley would have expected to be happy.

Not that Harlow Finley wasn't happy now, it just wasn't happening in the way that she expected it to. But she couldn't find a reason to complain about her life other than Bruce. Everything else had fallen just into place, painting a virtually perfect picture for her. Society ate it up. Dr. Harlow Finley, daughter of Joshua Finley and Alice Elliot-Finley, a surgeon at the Thomas and Martha Wayne Memorial Hospital. She was a comeback story to those around her. Someone who was able to pick herself up again after the man she loved left her. Someone who was able to love (or at least try to love) again. The elites of Gotham loved her and so did the tabloids. Happiness was a weird concept, anyways. Harlow liked to think no one is truly happy. Especially not in Gotham. Happiness was fleeting and while people could have a hold on it for a while, it would eventually slip through their fingers.

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