Like waking up for the first time

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„I don't know, man. Sometimes a little fire
can make things better on stage," Reggie smirked and gave Luke a look,"Like you and Julie."

If he still had a heartbeat, it would have stopped beating for second. He didn't think he behaved any differently with her than with the boys. He looked at Reggie and Alex slightly confused,"Uh, wha... What is that supposed to mean?

Reggie chuckled."Come on. Everyone can see
the way you look at her when you sing."

„You guys ooze chemistry.", he added with a hand motion.

"You should never say ooze again, but, yeah", Alex said and stood up,"I agree."

Luke put away his guitar, his face serious. "Okay, no. I have chemistry with everybody that I sing with."

Both smirked and looked at him in disbelief.

"Seriously, watch. Uh..."

He moved closer to Reggie and started singing.

"I believe, I believe that we're just one dream"

"Away from who we're meant to be"

Now he stood directly in front of Reggie's face and grabbed his neck with his right arm.

"That we're standing on the edge of-"

"Great "

He quietly rasped the last part out while he looked intensely into Reggie's eyes.

"Wow," Alex said softly,"I see chemistry."

Reggie taken back rasped out,"That was pretty hot."

Luke just confused him more when he put two fingers on his lips and tapped Reggie's the same way.

The bassist cleared his throat and responded with an awkward laugh.

„Girls. Am I right?"

Luke chuckled,"Yeah."

„No", Alex blurted out.

„Three, four..."

A few hours later when band practice, minus Julie, ended, they were looking at the spot Luke sat on, before he left the garage a few minutes ago.

„So, when do you think he's going to realize it?"

Alex laughed briefly and looked at Reggie like he had grown two heads. „That he's head over heels for Julie?"

„No, that he's in love with her".

The blond looked at him confused."That's what I-okay," he interrupted himself and shook his head", I give him 2 weeks."

Reggie smiled and fell backwards into the couch."No, I've planted a seed into his head. He's constantly going to think about this now. I know he isn't a worry ward like you but this?", he made the same ooze hand motion from before and continued."This is going to eat him alive. I'm saying a week".

He smirked with a mischievous face. „Wanna bet on it?"

Alex paused when he put his drumsticks on the table. He raised his right eyebrow and chuckled. "Have you seen him?," he gestured to the garage door," This is a lovesick puppy who's in denial, Reg."

He paused like before and smiled suddenly,"Of course, I'm going to bet on it".

Reggie beamed at that and put his arms in the air with a loud „Yes!"

„So what did you have in mind?"

He blinked for a second. „Oh I know what I want", Reggie replied finally.

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