TFP nightmares

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It was stressful, to say the least. Protecting the children, making sure everyone in his family was alive and save (he felt so bad for Arcee, he had let Cliffjumper die and she had to suffer again) agent Fowler breathing down his neck plating, the government treating them like they were just sparkless robots who couldn't feel emotions or pain, fighting Megatronus his best friend, having to uphold the title of Prime, being stoic and all-knowing leader and it kind of hurt to know that his family doesn't think he can have emotion and making sure Smokescreen was out of trouble. But it wasn't until after the Unicron and Orion fiasco, that the nightmares started. At first, it wasn't anything too bad, just some flashbacks maybe a bleary memory now and then, nothing too extravagant right? Wrong, soon real nightmares were all he saw in his recharge if you wanted to call it that. He preferred to call it his inescapable prison and personal torture sessions. One of the worst ones was when Megatronus was there, on his knees, in chains, about to be killed by Unicron and he was begging Optimus- no he was begging  Orion to save him. But Optimus was always being held back by an invisible force and no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't break free. Only when Unicron was about to bring down his sword was he finally able to run forward, but he was always one klik too late and could only watch as the light of his spark and optics flicker then finally went out. Then Megatronus's cold, dead body faded away, and when he did the voices would start talking, taunting, and screaming at him, asking why he let them offline? Why did he let their families suffer the loss of a loved one? And Optimus could only collapse onto the floor and curl into a small, tight, shaking ball that seemed impossible for someone his size, whimpering and pleading for the voice to stop or better yet go away and they always ignored him, always continued to ask him why, Why, WHY?!?! And that's when he would wake up, more like shot up out of sleep, with tears streaming down his faceplate like an Earth waterfall. After an hour or two he would calm down and regained control of his venting, he go back into a light, fitful slumber. 

Another nightmare that plagued his recharge was when all of his team were laid scattered about on the battlefield, dead. It always brought tears to his optics when he saw their broken, battered, and demolished bodies, his only living family now lay dead on the battlefield and it was his fault though he wasn't sure how he knew it was, somehow. There were always two puddles of blood, flesh, fat, and other things that were inside humans, while three piles of ashes were a few feet away, Megatron cackling in the distance, a crow cawing some were up above in the darkened sky, the wind ghosting over his frame. Suddenly the offlined bodies of his family started to glow an eerie purple, just like....dark...Energon. Then they rose from the ground, walked, more like stumbled, toward him. Optimus wanted to move, wanted to run but he couldn't. No, he wouldn't run away from his family ever, even if they kill him. He only wished he'd had run when they start attacking him, inflicting heavy, painful damage. When they were about to kill him he would wake up, just like the other nightmare, whimpering, crying but the only difference was his frame also hurt, a lot, like someone threw a lot of rocks at him then a Predacon ran him over. That was only one of the versions that his family was hurt. If he was lucky he would only have one nightmare, if he was unlucky he could have a least 2 nightmares in one dark cycle. The most he's ever had in one night was 7 at a time and no one ever knew, he made sure of that. If they asked about the screams or the crying and sobs that they heard during the dark cycle, he would tell them they might be rehearing old battle screams among other things. But it wasn't until the result of one battle, that his team would finally know the true pain and torment that their beloved leader suffered, alone and in silence.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--= Hiヾ(≧▽≦*)o -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

It started as a normal Saturday, the children were spending time with their guardians, Miko and Bulkhead were probably out dune bashing or something like that, Jack and Arcee were out for a ride and Rafael was in Bumblebee's berth room listening to war stories from his guardian. Optimus was thinking about the last battle he and the Autobots fought when suddenly the alarm went off, signaling Decepticons had found and he sighed heavily, having only one and a half hours of recharge. So he was really tired physically and mentally, and the bad thing was that all of them were about his family dead or alive. Ether in pain or causing pain to him, but now he had to focus or his nightmares would equally become reality and that would crush him more than any nightmare could.

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