I stand face to face with the door, turning the handle, looking around for nothing but a second before groaning.

"You've got to be kidding me! I'm actually supposed to live here!? There's no room to even open a draw." I notice bunk beds to the side. "And I'm supposed to live here with someone else! I can barely fit myself in here!"

I look at the two, the tall one doesn't look slightly fazed, probable because he has the best room and doesn't have to deal with this bullshit, the smaller one looks a little sympathetic.

"We'll leave you to get comfortable, I hope you'll be able to find everything and that the Boys Discipline School for Misbehaviours makes you grow, expand and become better. You are now a first year." The small one smiled and spoke as if this was a line they had to say to everyone.

I scowl, yup this place is definitely a cult.

"How long do I have to stay in this shitty thing before I can upgrade?"

"Maybe for a week. It depends. -"

"Depends on what?"

"You'll learn all about it later." The taller one huffs. "Now, don't forget classes start tomorrow at seven o'clock sharp. Don't be late."

They walk off, slamming the door shut before I can ask or say any thing more.


Where even is my class or whatever the fuck it is.

They didn't give me anything. No clothes, no timetable, what the fuck kinda school is this!

The door nob turns again, ah this must be the person I have to share this shitty place with. I hope their not an asshole.

In walks some dude, dark skin, crazy little curly hair that's been placed in a bun, bright amber eyes, blue shirt and black pants.

I watch him holding a piece of paper, staring at it with his full attention, trudging his suitcase and luggage behind him.

He finally looks up when he's through the door.

"Oh, hey man, how's it going?" He smiles, pulling his hand out, dropping his bags on the ground, and waiting for my hand to go in his, for they can shake. "My names Maxton."

I shake his hand. "Leo."

"Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool." He looks around the small place. "This is cool." He decides. "I've never had bunkbeds before, I dibs top, cause other wise I would never actually get to experience bunkbeds, I melswell just have two separate beds if I were to take the bottom." He rambles.

I don't mind him, I decided. He seems cool.

He places his stuff around, finding places for certain things, talking to me as he fixes his stuff, I even find myself answering some.

"So, why are you here?"

".. Just miss behaving and stuff I guess. You?"

"Swearing, drinking and stuff." I feel as if he's hiding something but I don't push, otherwise I may have to answer fully and that's not want I want because I don't have an answer, I have no idea why I'm here.

"You have anything planned for this arvo?"

"Nope, why?"

"I was wondering if you just want to walk around this place with me?"

"Yeah, alright." I have nothing else to do anyway.

We exit the room, going back the same way we came, talking with Maxton was interesting, he never ran out of conversation starts and didn't make anything awkward. He already knew I wasn't the best with this kind of thing, so he kept things going smoothly.

I found myself just wanting to match his energy, he's energetic, speaks quickly and always has a beautiful, bright smile on his face, that's toxic because it makes me do the same, however he seems like the type were if I were to have a deep conversation with him, he'd be there for me, help me out, listen to me, maybe even make a joke to lighten the mood.

After it starts to get later, we head back to the 'dorm,' still talking happily.

"I have food if you want some."

"Ok, thank you." I smile.

I feel like I actually have a friend which is really bloody weird, I've never clicked with someone so quickly.

He ruffles around before reemerging with some chips, biscuits and chocolate.

He jumps up to the top bunk, tapping the space beside him, indicating to me to sit there.

I jump up, sitting close to him, as he takes out his laptop and goes into Netflix.

"What you wish to watch?"

"Anything, I don't mind, your giving me free food."

He laughs, continuing the search until something came up and his smile widened. He pressed play to the show called Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

The show starts to play, I listen, eat and watch along, as Maxton laughs at scenes, so do I.

I'll be honest... I actually didn't mind it... I'd continue watching it.. maybe.

After a few episodes, Maxton changes the show to another.

After another few episodes Maxton changes the show again.

I realized he gets bored of watching something for to long, it didn't bother me if he changes it, so I just go along with it.

Maxton and I look at the time at the same time, realising it's 9:31pm.

I climb down to the bottom bunk, saying my good night's to Maxton as he does the same to me.

I snuggle under the covers, lifting them to my shoulders, moving my head down into the pillows. Closing my eyes and trying to drift off to sleep.

Once I finally drift off, I wake to the sound of a lot of shuffling, groans, whimpers.

Is he jacking off!?

I don't move just in cases, other wise that'll make things a little awkward.

Suddenly there's a loud yelp and the beds move as if someone just sat up, I can hear panting and uneven breath, but not the kind you have pleasure out of, these ones sounded scared.

I stay quiet, not wanting to make things awkward with not knowing what to do.

Soon enough tiredness takes me and I drift back off to sleep, still worried about Maxton however it gets numbed by sleepiness.

Boys Discipline School for Misbehaviours Where stories live. Discover now