A Queens Decision

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Levi POV - We kept walking feeling (Y/N) body began to get cold looking down worried.

Levi - Almost there

Male Reader - ......

Reiner - (Y/N)?

Levi POV - We stopped walking seeing his eyes began to close snuggling more in my chest.

Levi - H-hey don't fall asleep yet

Levi POV - His arm began to go limp moving down swinging back and forth causing us to panic.

Reiner - (Y/N)! Open your eyes!


Levi POV - I dropped to my knees holding his body close to my chest shaking my head sobbing.

Levi - Don't do this to me! Wake up damnit!!

Levi POV - I pressed two fingers towards his neck feeling his pulse fainting. "God I wasn't going to make it"

Levi - I should have wrapped his leg sooner!! Fucking hell!!

Reiner - *Tears* We are almost there we need to keep going

Levi - Don't you understand he's going to die?! I'm not going to even make it to the city! I'm going to lose him!!

Reiner POV - I kneeled down rubbing Levi's back as he held (Y/N) close to him. We needed some sort of miracle losing him just wasn't an option not here not ever.

Levi - Please you can't leave me! *sobs*

Male Reader POV - I groaned in pain hearing a faint cry trying my hardest to open my eyes back up looking at Levi moving my hand up slowly grabbing his.

Male Reader - L-levi *sobs*

Levi POV - My eyes went wide seeing (Y/N) look up at me full of sadness and regret.

Male Reader - I-I'm sorry for running away for getting hurt I-*sniffles* I-I'm so cold........

Levi POV - I slowly brushed (Y/N) bangs out of his face as he shivered against me. The blood from his leg began to soak through the wrap I needed to keep moving.

Levi - (Y/N) *Tears* please...don't close those beautiful eyes

Male Reader - *Sniffles*....

Levi POV - I stood back up walking forward holding (Y/N) hand tight as Reiner walked beside me each step was hell but what choice did we have?


Levi POV - After what felt like forever we've finally arrived at the gate thankfully we didn't run into any Titan's. As we made our way inside we saw Dot stand there shocked at the display infront of us.

Dot Pixis - (Y/N) *Wide eyes*

Dot Pixis POV - I slowly moved my hand up caressing his face panic set in at the lack of response I've gotten. It was strange how things changed one moment it didn't matter to me that (Y/N) was injured or worse...now that time has passed I've became soft and grown attached to the kid.

Reiner - He's dying sir! We need to get him an IV!

Dot Pixis - Come we need to hurry!

Levi POV - Nodding my head I held (Y/N) close as me and Reiner followed Dot to the castle where Historia was.


Hisotria POV - I sat at the dining hall deep in thought frowning at the situation that unfolded. My train of thought broke suddenly seeing the door open gasping at what was infront of me.

Pt.2 - You're My Angel (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz