I'll Always Protect You (+18)

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Male Reader POV - I was in the kitchen with Hange making some dinner for everyone carefully cutting up some potatoes.

Hange - I'm suprised you're making soup was Levi and Dot really ok with just that?

Male Reader - *Nods* Dot wanted me to bring out some creativity rather than go off tonight's list he wanted me to express myself

Hange - But soup? *nervous laugh*

Male Reader - Levi wanted me to start out with something easy so I won't be stressed

Hange - *laughs* Levi sure does baby you and you've even got Dot showing his soft side

Male Reader - .....

Hange POV - I saw (Y/N) hold the side of his ribs as he stirred the pot sighing.

Hange - *frowns* I've heard about everything how Dot hurt you...how a Titan broke your ribs

Male Reader - It's still very painful

Hange - Has Levi given you medicine?

Male Reader - He's never mentioned it like pain killers?

Hange - That's weird he hasn't

Male Reader - I'm sure he's forgot to or maybe he didn't have any

Hange - I'll make sure to get you some later

Male Reader - Thankyou Hange *smiles*

Hange POV - I saw (Y/N) add in some carrots and celery

Hange - It smells good

Male Reader - I hope everyone likes it

Male Reader POV - Just then Levi came in before walking beside me pulling my body in a light side hug kissing my forhead.

Levi - How's the soup coming along?

Male Reader - *Giggles* good I think

Hange - Captain why haven't you been giving (Y/N) pain killers for his ribs?

Levi - They're to strong for his body he'll just get sick believe me I'd take his pain away if I could

Male Reader - *Shakes head* You take really good care of me and do your best that's all that matters

Levi - ....

Male Reader - What's wrong?

Male Reader POV - He gave me a regretful look placing a hand on my shoulder rubbing in circles.

Levi - I'm being sent out on a mission

Male Reader - Please be careful for me

Male Reader POV - I was about to walk back to the soup until he pulled me back into his arms.

Levi - You don't understand I'll be gone for 24 hours it's very important

Male Reader POV - I raised an eyebrow confused on why he was getting upset on why he'd thought I'd be upset. Sure I'm worried about his safety but he's fought Titan's plenty of times he's experienced thats the whole reason Levi is Captain he'd be alright.

Male Reader - *Nods* You're good at fighting so I'm not to worried but still I'll always be afraid when you're gone

Hange - Captain Levi why are you upset? You've been on lots of missions before why is this one any different?

Levi - (Y/N) You truly don't get it

Hange - Sir?

Male Reader POV - I was suddenly pulled into a hug as Levi shook against me petting the back of my head. Something was wrong very wrong why would a simple mission upset him like this?

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