Running Away

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Dot Pixis POV - sitting across from Historia I took a sip of my tea sighing heavily.

Historia - So Captain Levi has to leave tonight?

Dot Pixis - *Sigh* ......

Historia - Sir?

Dot Pixis - Him and (Y/N) have been through so much stress

Historia - At least it gives Levi a peice of mind that (Y/N) is safe here

Dot Pixis - Which reminds me *crosses arms* what exactly was the deal that you both made? I've came to understand that you don't want (Y/N) having knowledge of this?

Historia - It's not something he needs to know

Dot Pixis - Care to tell me?

Historia - ...I may be Queen and our city may be rich but money doesn't help bring in new recruits

Dot Pixis - Pardon?

Historia - We've made a trade it's not something I'm proud of but it was necessary

Dot Pixis - *Raises eyebrow* I'm not understanding

Historia - Captain Levi is the leader of the Wings Of Freedom we've had discussions in the past about him bringing me new soldiers at first he refused because he deemed it unethical

Dot Pixis - How so?

Historia - The new recruits we have now are here by force it's not something Captain Levi wanted but he wanted (Y/N) to be safe no matter the cost

Dot Pixis - So you're saying you took advantage of his emotions to obtain something

Historia - It's wrong of me I know but I need to do what's best for my people

Dot Pixis - ...So this I'd why you and Levi didn't want to tell (Y/N) you merely used him as a pawn!

Historia - *Frowns* (Y/N) asked me the same thing though he didn't know about the deal

Dot Pixis - And he's right! He's just a stepping stone to you!

Historia - If (Y/N) got hurt I'd regret it

Dot Pixis - Why? Because the deal would be off?

Historia - *Sad smiles* That's callous of you to say

Dot Pixis - What you're doing to both of them is callous and cruel

Historia - With all due respect sir I'm not the only one allowing this

Dot Pix - What?

Historia - You now know of this deal but I'd like to know would you continue sacrificing more recruits to keep (Y/N) safe? Captain Levi certainly thinks his live holds more value

Dot Pixis - ....

Historia - He's a sweet boy I understand the pain and fear Levi is in-

Dot Pixis - No you don't *frowns* you've had the Luxury of being in this safe city your whole life Captain Levi almost lost (Y/N) twice with the Titans he's fought for our city

Historia - Dot I-

Dot Pixis - Levi has seen blood! (Y/N) has seen it as well! So don't you dare compare yourself!

Historia - *Looks down*

Dot Pixis POV - I stood up balling my fists gritting my teeth.

Dot Pixis - I'm not going to stand for this any longer


Levi POV - I held (Y/N) close hearing him snore rubbing his back softly. Soon the door slowly opened seeing Dot come walking in trying his best to be quiet.

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