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Bakugou's Pov:

I sat down at my desk, yawning. It was too freaking early to be at school. I sighed and looked over at that Icy-Hot bastard. Ignoring the other weirdos standing in front of my desk being completely obnoxious. As I started off at that Icy-Hot bastard I saw he had his head down, Covering his face with his hands. What an idiot I thought. I stared off at him for a few minutes until our stupid teacher walked in. "Good morning class" He said sluggishly, clearly half asleep. I rolled my eyes and stabbed my pencil into my notebook, breaking some lead. A few hours passed and it was time for lunch. I scoffed in annoyance, grabbing my stuff and standing up as that stupid haired idiot ran over to me. "Bakubro! Come sit with us again!" He said happily. I rolled my eyes. "Tch, whatever." I said sharply, still having my back towards him. "Great!" He smiled, grabbing my shoulder and dragging me out of the classroom and down towards the lunch room. I got my food and sat down at the table, playing with the food in front of me. "Are you alright Baku?" Said the pink racoon eyes girl. I looked at her sharply. "I'm freaking fine!" I shouted at her. She nodded and sat back down, continuing to eat her food. I shivered slightly, feeling as if someone had been staring at me. I looked up from my food and looked around the cafeteria until I found it. It was that Icy-Hot bastard. He was staring at me. He noticed I had looked at him and immediately looked away, going a shade of red. I smirked and stood up walking over to his table. I tapped his shoulder and watched as he turned around to look at me. Once he laid eyes on me his face immediately grew redder than it had been before. "Why the heck are you staring at me Icy-Hot?!" I shouted at him. He flinched a bit and looked down at his hands. "I- Sorry Bakugou, I didn't mean to stare." He said coldly, I could tell that there was something off about the way he had spoken. I tilted my head. "Is there anything else you want to say, bastard?" I shouted at him again. I watched the boy in front of me flinch again at the sound of my booming voice. "N-No" He stuttered, tensing up a bit. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said before turning around and walking away back to the table those stupid idiots were at.

Todoroki's Pov:

I took a deep breath watching Bakugou walk away. "So stupid" I muttered to myself, mentally slapping myself. I sighed, looking up to see Midoriya running back with some food in hand. He smiled at me, as we made eye contact with each other. I watched as he sat down beside Uraraka and then dedicated his full attention to her. It was obvious they liked each other. No matter how much they denied it, everyone knew they actually liked each other. A bit later the bell rang to return back to class. I got up and started walking to class, not even bothering to wait for the others, figuring they probably wouldn't even notice me. I walked out of the lunch room and down the hall. As I turned the corner I bumped into someone, stumbling back and falling. I rubbed my head and looked up, hearing a nasty snarl. My eyes widened in fear, only to see Monoma. "Watch it." He stated coldly. I quickly got up to my feet and nodded. "Yes, sorry" I said, my voice starting to trail off as I spoke. I then heard a faint growl coming from him. I looked up at him and was about to walk away until I was pulled back and thrown into the wall. "I'm not done with you, scar freak!" He snapped at me. I dropped my head, not knowing what to do or say. I hated that name. I hated it. I clenched my fist, ready to push him off. "No one will ever love someone as ugly and pathetic as you," Monoma said. I stood frozen, those words repeating over and over again inside my head. He's right, how could anyone ever love anyone like me, I'm so loveless. I thought to myself, starting to feel sick. Eventually Monoma scoffed and let me go. I stood still until he left and was out of sight. I then ran into the bathroom, stumbling into the first stall and collapsing onto the floor. I felt light headed, and out of breath. I pulled myself up and over the toilet. I felt tears trickle down my cheeks and I watched them fall into the toilet water and make small ripples. My eyes widened as I felt something make its way up my throat. I covered my mouth, to try and stop myself but eventually let it out. I stared at the small flower laying on top of the water. Did I just puke that up? I thought to myself. I sighed and shook the thought out of my head. I sat down and leaned against the wall. Why am I like this? Why am I so ugly? Why...? Why am I so loveless?...


Hello! sorry again that this took a hot second to come out! but its out now! so I hope you enjoyed this part, I will try to get started on the next part as soon as possible! Thank you for reading!

Art is not mine!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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