Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Ally

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Chapter Thirty-Nine: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞.
word count; 5.3k

"Will you quit pacing around?"

Becoming impatient was something you would've anticipated from yourself, but from Din? Since Ahsoka took the Child, he's been treading back in forth, without failing to maintain both of them in sight. You weren't sure what the problem was with him. Time and time again you had reassured him that the togruta could be trusted and that she would never harm the kid, yet he continued. Both of them were well in his line of vision, sitting a distance away between a radiant lantern. But he never stopped.

Seated on the ground as you waited, you were beginning to understand that the Child's safety was not what he was concerned over. There was definitely something else. 

Ahsoka wanted to talk to the kid. That was what she had told you when you first explained to her why he was brought here. For a moment, you couldn't exactly comprehend what she was saying... because how could you possibly have a conversation with the Child? But then you realized what she actually meant. It was not a verbal discussion. Instead, they would communicate through the Force. Din had been confused when you explained it to him, but he was able to somewhat grasp what you meant. It was something you never attempted with the kid, considering you never willingly used the Force around him. Though you did wonder how it was going for Ahsoka, trying to hold a conversation with him.

Quietly, you counted your remaining ammunitions. From your peripheral  vision, you watched as  Din halted—and sighed. His visor didn't leave the Child. "I'm... worried."

"I can tell," you replied, lifting your gaze. "Why? I already told you she can be trusted with him."

"It's not that."

"Then what?"

His visor swapped over to you, and he hesitated

You took a brief minute to think when he didn't answer you. It took you another moment for your mind to connect everything together... Of course he wasn't only worried over the kid. "You're worried about what he's saying about us. About you?"

Your guess sounded more like an statement rather than a question. Din nodded once, silently.

"I'm sure he's not saying anything bad," you assured him, tilting your head down to start recounting your ammo again. "Why would he?"

That seemed to stop him from pacing around, finally. Instead he sat down besides you. "I don't know."

You thought you'd let the subject pass, given that he had finally calmed down (or that's what you perceived). As you finished checking your ammunition, you realized you were definitely running too low for your comfort. You hadn't exactly had much time to restock recently. Perhaps Din had some extra in the ship—

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