⚠️❤💖 Dancing love part 2

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JGirl97ko Here's your smut part. I do suck at them so sowwy about that. Enjoy part two

Warnings :

•Quirkless AU
•Triggers about death
•Mention of criminal activity


《Izuku's POV》

I walked towards the abandoned building waiting for Dancing Dynamight. He hadn't shown up this pass week. It kinda scared me and made me feel heart broken. After our first kiss, I fell for him but now it like he's ghosting me. Was it because I confessed that he's avoiding me?

Tears formed in my eyes as the thought that I ruining my chance to see him again. Without any thought, I stood up and got ready to leave. This must really be my fault. Slowly I walked down to the ground floor and started to head home. A cloth was put on my mouth. I stepped on the stranger's foot and started to run only to bump into someone else. Next thing I knew was darkness.


I woke up in a dark room on a bed. Where was I? I tried to get off the bed but something held me back. A chain was around my ankle. With a sigh I look around for any tools to get out of here. This room looked pretty plain and had nothing but a little note on the side table.

Happy Birthday BakuBro

We hope you enjoy your little birthday gift. You did seem super upset after not being able to see him so we brought him here. Just make sure to not be loud.

Love BakuSquad

Who was BakuBro? I've never met a BakuBro. Before I could continue investigating a male with ash-blonde hair and red eyes walked in with no shirt. I hid my blushing face with my hands. Why was I here?!

•¿¿¿ : Izuku?!

•Angel : H-how do you know me?! Also PUT ON A SHIRT PLEASE! *looks away, blushing*

•¿¿¿ : Okay,okay calm down. *goes to closest and puts on a shirt*

•Angel : Do you have a shirt on now?

•¿¿¿ : Yeah.

•Angel : *looks up*

•¿¿¿ : *holds Izuku's chin* You know seeing you after a while and in my bed wants to make me do things to you.

•Angel : I don't know you.

•¿¿¿ : Oh but you do. I danced with you every midnight until the sun would rise.

•Angel : D-dynamight?

•¿¿¿ : Yup~ I can't wait any longer Izu~ *kisses lips roughly*

《3rd Person's POV》

Both felt hunger for each other's touch. As both kissed they suddenly got lost in each other's scent and touch. Soon things took a turn from a wholesome moment to a heated one. Bakugou kissed Izuku's neck and licked a certain spot which got a moan out of him.

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