Interlude: Wounds Cut Deep

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Long ago, in a world where the bond between humans and ravens was forged in ancient tales, there lived a powerful human clan known as the Severans. They were descendants of the great ravens, who, according to their folklore, stole the divine fire to aid humanity.

Within the Severan clan, tales of their raven ancestors were passed down through generations, whispered in hushed tones during twilight gatherings. The stories spoke of courage and daring, of ravens who braved the heavens to bring forth the gift of fire. They recounted the wisdom imparted by the ravens, guiding the Severans in matters of leadership, strategy, and the delicate balance between power and responsibility.

Among the Severans, there stood a figure of commanding presence and unfathomable power, their sovereign, a singular force within the clan, his every action and decision carrying weight and consequence. With a countenance that mirrored the strength of the ravens themselves, the sovereign exuded an aura of mystery and authority that commanded respect and awe.

Devereaux Severan. The Raven Sovereign.

Despite being chosen to the throne at a young age his presence was a captivating blend of charisma and enigma. His piercing gaze, the colour of smouldering embers, held the power to both intimidate and allure. Clad in the essence of night, he was a vision of darkness and elegance.

As the sovereign ruler of the Severans, Devereaux's authority was absolute, his word law. His voice resonated with a commanding timbre that demanded attention and obedience. Yet, beneath the stoic facade, his heart burned with a mix of passions and struggles, concealed from prying eyes by a carefully constructed mask of indifference.

He carried these burdens with stoic resolve, never allowing his emotions to cloud his judgement or compromise his duty. He was a pillar of strength for his people, a guardian of the Severan legacy and the bond with their raven ancestors. His kin.

Despite Devereaux's position as a revered leader, his own kin harboured seeds of treachery within their hearts. The very ones he considered his family plotted behind his back, driven by envy and thirst for power. Under the cover of night, Devereaux's family executed their betrayal. They struck with precision and deceit, orchestrating a treacherous plot to end his life. They accused him for treacherousness that he had never once dreamt of getting him all riled up barreling right into their petty trap.

The wounds cut deep, a bitter reminder of their deceit and treachery. The ones he had once called kin, the ones he had loved and trusted, had turned against him with cold hearts and malicious intent. They had plotted his downfall, driven by their insatiable hunger for power and control. Family was a bitter taste in his mouth and he himself was left a wounded soul. The scars of their betrayal would forever mark his path, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked within even the closest of blood ties.

Brutally injured and fueled by a burning desire for justice, Devereaux Severn fought with every ounce of strength within him. His body bore the scars of countless battles, a testament to his relentless pursuit of retribution. He fought, memories of betrayal and deceit haunted him, fueling his rage and fortifying his resolve. The faces of those who had turned against him flashed before his eyes, their twisted smiles etched in his mind. The weight of their betrayal only served to sharpen his blade and strengthen his determination.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Left to wander the Moon Town, he appeared as a pitiful sight, his ragged clothes and oozing wounds drawing peculiar glances from those who passed him by. Some showed sympathy, others simply curiosity, but none could truly understand the depths of his despair. He was lost in a world that once celebrated his power, but now he was cast adrift like a solitary leaf caught in the wind.

The bustling town was a stark contrast to Devereaux's current state. Colourful attires adorned the townspeople as they went about their daily business, the market teeming with vendors, buyers, and dwellers. An array of sweet aromas from food, spices, and exotic flowers wafted through the air, creating a tantalising sensory experience. The towering red brick buildings provided cool, shadowy shelters to the town's inhabitants, offering respite from the day's warm rays.

Moon Town was truly a unique place . Within the town's confines, beings from all three realms coexisted harmoniously, roaming the streets that housed illustrious mage families like the Romersais. The Moon Town remained veiled from human eyes, veiled from human eyes by the shroud of magic that surrounded it, accessible only to mages or healers returning from their expeditions beyond to the nearby city of Serenel.

The air hummed with the ebb and flow of magic, making it a sanctuary for those in touch with the mystical forces that governed their existence. It was a realm of its own; an enchanting paradise untouched and unspoiled by the vices of humanity, such as greed, envy, and wrath, which often tainted the world beyond its magical borders. This hidden sanctuary was a dream destination for anyone with an awareness of magic, a refreshing oasis of tranquillity amidst the desert of chaos.

To Devereaux, who had been raised amidst the temptations of all the sins that one could possibly imagine, the Moon Town felt like a long-awaited respite, akin to rain quenching a drought-stricken land. The allure of the place was undeniable, and even with the familiarity of corruption lurking within him, he could sense the purity that radiated from its very core. It was like a breath of fresh air for his weary soul, a glimpse of the light he had once lost.

The magical allure of the place offered solace to those in touch with mystical forces, but Devereaux found no refuge within its shimmering walls. Instead, he was drowning in his own turmoil, thrashing against the currents of fate that seemed determined to drag him down.

His steps faltered like a wounded creature, and each pebble on the cobblestone streets seemed to conspire against him, causing him to stumble with every stride. Weariness weighed heavily upon him, like a cloak of darkness that sapped his strength and determination. His hunger gnawed at him relentlessly, a constant reminder of his vulnerability in this strange land.

Desperate for support, he reached out, hoping to find something to cling to amidst the chaos of his emotions. But before he could steady himself, the world around him blurred, the colours fading into darkness, and his consciousness slipped away.

When he opened his eyes once more, it was as if he had been transported to another realm altogether. A vision of ethereal beauty stood before him, a woman whose appearance could rival even the most enchanting beings of legend. The deep blue of her eyes held the secrets of the cosmos, and her skin glowed like moonlit snow, a canvas of perfection for her sharp, alluring features. Dressed in the unique attire of the Moon Town, she seemed like a celestial being gracing the mortal world.

"You're awake," the woman's voice flowed like a gentle melody, caressing Devereaux's senses and pulling him back from the abyss of unconsciousness.

Devereaux blinked, trying to focus on the vision before him. "Yeah... how long was I out?" his words came out muffled, still grappling with the fog of drowsiness.

"Two days," the woman replied, her soft smile a comforting ray of light in the darkness. "You were severely injured and in immense pain. We had to put you to sleep to aid your recovery."

Devereaux's stomach growled, a fierce reminder of his hunger amidst the surreal encounter. As if by magic, a plate of tantalising food appeared before him, its aroma weaving an enchanting spell around him. The temptation was irresistible, and he hesitated only for a moment before succumbing to the allure of the meal.

The woman chuckled at Devereaux's voracious eating, the sound as soothing as a lullaby. "Take it slow, buddy. I know my meat curry is tasty. I'll wrap some for you to take once you're ready to leave if you like it that much."

The unexpected kindness tugged at Devereaux's heart, his walls of despair starting to crumble. Yet, a pang of guilt gnawed at him, burdening him with the weight of his troubles. "I have nowhere to go," he mumbled, his voice filled with vulnerability.

For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. And then, the woman spoke again, her words like a beacon of hope in the darkness. "Then I guess I'll have to prepare that meat curry for you once in a while, huh?"

Devereaux's eyes lifted, meeting the woman's gaze fully. There was a warmth and understanding in those depths that he hadn't expected to find. A genuine and welcoming smile graced the woman's face. "I'm Nova, by the way. It's Lady of Birth to you," she said.

A QUEST OF DEATH : Shadows Never Lie (undergoing MACRO EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now