"Is we almost there because I'm getting impatient."I said.

"Yeah."He said with a chuckle.

We got off the elevator and walked for a couple seconds before coming to a stop. He opened a door and before guiding me in.

"Okay take it off."He said.

I lifted the blindfold off. I looked around the room taking in the decorations. Black and gold balloons floated in the air, and gold ones spelled out happy birthday.

A black and grey box sat on the bed.

"I'm about to cry. Thank you so much."I said as the tears welded up in my eyes.

"You're welcome thug."He said wiping my tears then pulling me into a hug.

It was him going out his way and doing this made my heart smile especially knowing he did it with genuine intentions.

"Alright let me take a picture."I said breaking the hug.

I took a couple pictures before posting one on my close friends.

"Hmm open it."He said handing me the box.

I opened the box revealing a book titled Things I didn't say in therapy and a gold anklet that read survivor in cursive with a ribbon.

"Hold on because you not about to have me crying again."I said with a chuckle looking up at the ceiling to stop the tears from falling.

"I really appreciate all of this. Thank you."I said wrapping my arms around his neck kissing his cheek.

"You're welcome."He said kissing the top of my head.

"Could we go back to sleep now."I asked taking off my sweat suit, leaving me in my sports bra and spandex.

"Yeah let me take these off the bed."He said removing the balloons.

"Who helped you decorate?"I asked sitting on the chair in the corner of the room.

"I did it myself."He said.

Once he finished taking the balloons off we got into the bed.

"What's your name?"I asked as he laid his head on my chest.

"Akio C'aire."He said.

"I like it."I said playing in his hair.

"Appreciate it thug."He said.

I grabbed my phone mirroring it to the TV before putting my playlist on shuffle.

You are all that I need
And you are all I believe
'Cause everything fine
'Cause you ain't gotta leave
I wanna go down, down, down, down, down with you

"She said love me when you're ready, not when you're lonely I don't know myself, so there's no way you know me."I rapped along.

"But if I hold you down, then you better hold me but if I call your bluff, then you better fold me cause I can't risk it all for you."Akio rapped lowly.

"You listen to him?"I asked looking down at him.

"Yeah he decent."He said.

After the song finished Wedding Song by Tank started playing.

"Our song."He mumbled.

I smiled, before closing my eyes allowing sleep to take over.

"Oh my goshhhh."I said kicking my feet as my phone rung for the 100th time it felt like.

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