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Kori Savanna 🐘 |Stockton CA
March 24th

I sat in my last class of the day drawing in my notebook. I wasn't paying attention because he was going over the same thing from last class.

"That's wrong."I spoke out as I read the power point it said slavery wasn't existent in today's modern society.

"Explain please"He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Slavery is still very much existent in today's society, it's just modernized by the government and people today"I said simply.

He stood there with a slight mug.

"I mean just think about it military, prison even human trafficking"I added.

"She's right Google it, Google free"Jayybo said from behind me

The class laughed,but he was being serious.

"Okay okay calm down."He said waving his hand.

I closed my notebook and textbook putting them in my backpack since the bell was about to ring.

"Next class we will be discussing modernized slavery"He said right before the bell rung

Me and Jayybo walked out the class and went to the stairs to wait for Raniya.

"Take my pictures while we wait"I said handing him my phone

I did a couple of poses before taking my phone back.

"Out of these pictures only one came out decent."I said with a slight mug

"Stop mugging all the time ole ugly ass"Biggs said walking up

Biggs is Jayybo's twin brother, people didn't believe they were twins because they're fraternal and Biggs looks a little older then Jayybo.

"Shut up."I said waving him off then went to post my picture on Instagram



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forev3rkori princess bubblegum 💖



"You want me to come over and help you?"I asked Raniya.

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