"Come at me you fucker!"

Carlie and McKayla ran along the shelves "accidentally" knocking things over and shouting out loud profanities as they did so.

"Son of a bitch!"



"Damn it!"

"Suck a cunt."

After a while of this, Chris then stands up and loudly cheers as he "defeated" Angelo. He then very obnoxiously starts singing his own little song to the tune of Queen's 'We Are the Champions'.


Carlie laughs, "You look ridiculous!"

"Good." Chris says.

Angelo runs over, "McKayla! Did you bring the stuff?!"

"Psht. Did I bring the stuff. I brought the stuff." McKayla says, reaching into the large pocket in the center of her sweatshirt and pulling out a large bag of sour gummy bears.

"Celebratory gummy bears all around!" She exclaims before ripping it open. Everyone takes a handful.

"It's not a celebration until we reach victory. We must keep going!" Chris says dramatically.

"Well then what are we waiting for?" Carlie asks. They all then split up.

McKayla put a princess tiara on her head and started hoola-hooping. Chris put a super-hero cape on Carlie, grabbed a plastic sword, then put Carlie on his back piggy-back-style and started running around violently yelling "Woosh!" Angelo got a bunch of balls and tried to bounce them all at once.

Soon enough though, the chaos goth the attention of the manager, who walked over to the teenagers, fuming.

"Manager alert!" Angelo calls, dropping everything.

Chris quickly sets Carlie and the sword down and walks up to his manager, "What can I do for ya, boss?"

"What is this?!" The older man exclaims.

"This is called fun. You should try it some time." Chris says.

McKayla then decides to make a bold move and suddenly runs over. She puts a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles bike helmet on the older man's balding head.

"Safety first!" She exclaims before wacking him on the behind with a pool noodle.

His face turns bright red and he rips the helmet off of his head, "Chris! My office! Now!" He exclaims, throwing the helmet to the ground.

"Alright, alright, just one sec - run!" He exclaims, ripping the Hello Kitty helmet off of his head and running off. His friends follow.

They all follow Chris and start running out of the Walmart. They run past a bunch of shoppers who look at them all like they're lunatics. Chris tears off the vest and drops it. They all run out of the glass automatic doors and to the parking lot.

"Get to the car!" Chris shouts.

They do as told. Once they get to the car, Chris fumbles with the keys, then starts the car and speeds off.

There's a pause as everyone catches their breath.

"Well...I think we can add that to the list of places we'll never be allowed into again." Angelo says.

"There's a list?" McKayla asks.

"Psht. There's a long list." Chris jokes.

"Soo...What now?" Carlie asks.

Chris shrugs, "Movies at my place?"

They all agree.


Everyone was sitting around in Chris' room and talking, just like they usually did.

"What's Within Temptation?" Chris asks McKayla, looking at her sweatshirt.

Carlie couldn't decide whether or not to be angry about that. Yes, it was just a logo on McKayla's sweatshirt; but it was also right across her boobs...

"It's this band I like. You should check them out. They're really good." (A/N: Excellent band. Highly recommend if you're into symphonic metal.)

"Cool. I need new music. I really wanna start writing my own music soon instead of just doing covers with whatever band."

"I know you can do that, babe." Carlie says, moving closer to Chris, "You're gonna make it big someday. I believe in you." She says before kissing him...and then kissing him more.

Angelo and McKayla look at each other, then back at Chris and Carlie who were still making out.

"Get a room." Angelo finally says.

They come apart momentarily, "We're in one." Chris says.

McKayla stands, "Uh, you know, I actually have acting class so I'm gonna go. You two have fun. Carlie, don't get knocked up. Ange, go make out with Kelly."

Angelo stands, "I think I'll do that."

They walk out of the room and leave Carlie and Chris to it. Angelo and McKayla begin to walk down the stairs.

"Did Carlie seem to be acting kind of...I don't know, weird, to you?" McKayla asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, just the way she was talking to Chris. The things she was saying. It was almost like she was marking her territory...You don't think she feels threatened by me at all, do you?"

"I don't know...Does she have a reason to feel threatened?" Angelo asks.

"No. God, no. Chris and I are just friends."

Angelo shrugs, "Then I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about." He says, not even believing his own words.

A/N: I tried to be as random in the Walmart-Firing as possible. What'd ya think?

OMG YOU GUYS. So the other night I came up with the most fantastic idea for a story and, like, I just, Oh my god. It's going to be SUPER difficult to write but if I do it carefully, I will make MIW fanfiction history. I always try to do something that's never been done with each of my stories and I know that the idea I have has never been done. It's gonna be SO hard to write though...but if anyone can do it, it's me. And I'm gonna do it and make it great!

I've been in a pretty okay mood lately. I'm going home soon and I really don't want to leave my mom but...I'll live. My mom's new boyfriend is a really good guy so that's just made things here so much better. My brother's dad is such a dick so this is certainly a nice change. Then again, we thought HE was a good guy too until the drinking started so...I'll believe it when I see a ring. I suppose it'll be nice to go home to my dad and stepmom and sister where there's less chaos, but I still really don't want to leave...

Sorry. This is the only place I really get to vent.

Tell me your thoughts on the chapter.

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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