2: Knowing About Him

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I looked up to see that attractor. He held me tightly in his arms. I was panting hard

"He...I...Hel..." I was trying to speak

"What happened?" He asked

"Leave her. She is mine" I turned around listening his voice "I will take her with me in my world" He said again

"You can't" the attractor said hiding me behind him

"I will" saying so he starts coming close

"Harshad stop there only" he warned

"No Manik not this time. You can't always win" his words took me somewhere else

Something starts echoing in my head

"Manik Malhotra...1992-2021"

I looked at him shockingly

"Harshad you have to go. She is innocent you can't do this" he said while I held his shoulder tightly

"I damn care. I just need her body to build my home" he said

Suddenly I remembered something

"You have this power but you can't let anyone know about this expect for...the souls itself."

"But how I am gonna fight with them?"

"You don't have to fight with the good souls but...if you bump in a bad one you can stop them from coming close to you"


"Its little painful"

"Tell me?

"You have to pour your blood on them. And they will never be able to come close to you"

I am gonna do that only. I looked around me to find out something so That I can cut my finger or hand

But there was nothing I looked at both of them they were busy arguing so I ran away. I ran back towards my house. I can hear them shouting behind me

"Stop running" he said coming in front of me but I ran away

"Nandini stop" this time it was Manik

I entered in my house running towards the Kitchen.

"Now where will you go?" he asked while the door automatically closed

I held the knife tightly at my back. One, two, three...and I was done.

"Where will you go now?" Saying so I shaked my hand in front of him while he stood there for a moment

He tried to come close to me but failed. It was when I saw Manik appearing. Fuck I never thought he is a soul.

"I will take revenge. I am not gonna leave you" saying so he disappear

"How do you know that?" He asked while I turned towards him

"Its my secret" I said putting back the knife

"Your wound need cure. Go and bandage it" he said while I smiled

"It's fine, I am fine" I said

"Girl go and apply ointment on it" he said again

"By the way thanks for helping me" I said ignoring him

He came close trying to do something from his hands. He was looking pissed off

"Ahhhh" he said in anger

"What are you trying to do?" I asked

"I am trying to cure the wound as I can't touch you" he said and I smiled

I held his hand in my caressing it a bit

"But I think we can touch each other" I said while he looked at me with a shock

"Who are you?" He asked

"I don't know maybe a saviour?" I said

The next moment he held my hand taking me out of the kitchen. He directly took me to my room while I was amazed how he know my room direction?

Was he stalking me?

"Sit" he ordered while I obeyed

He sat on his knees with a first aid kit in his hand. He rubbed the blood cleaning it while I was just looking at him. He applied a banded on it then looked at me

"Are you alright?" He asked while I blinked my eyes

"Why You didn't told me that you are dead?" I asked while he left me

Alina ❤

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