Chapter 6

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AN: Hi... it's been a while i'm sry. After I had gotten back from the hospital, things were going very well but then I had one of my anti depressiants decreased.

bc it increased my heart rate I haven't had to energy to post bc things went back to yucky

but im trying to be back i love writing and have really missed it and all if you. Oof that was alot sry haha. Alright gays, enjoy🙂

Word count: 1,403

When Ms.Venable drops me off at my house at eight-thirty, I walk inside and sit down on the couch.

Y/n: Hey Brynny. Whatcha doing? Was wondering if you wanted to facetime?

I've been laying on the couch, scrolling through my phone for an hour now, and still haven't heard back from her which isn't weird for anyone but Brynn.

She is always on her phone and always gets back to me within ten minutes. She's been like that since i've met her. Don't get freaked out Y/n, she's probably with her boyfriend and has her phone on silent, chill out.

I'm in the class room upstairs talking with my friend group, and Hayley, when I hear the bell ring. We all head to our lockers.

I get to mine and when I close it, I see Chadler move from the corner of the locker and walk closer to me. This dude is one of the popular kids and an annoying jerk. What does he want with me?

He asks, "Hey there Y/n, there's a football game at home later this week, as you know, and I was wondering if you would like to be the lucky girl who attends with me."

Huh? We've never even spoken with one another, is this a "go ask the unpopular girl and stand her up" type of thing?

I roll my eyes and reply, "Yeah, I think not." He asks with a scoff, "Seriously, no? Y/n, you do understand that i'm on the team, right? You're going to say no to me? Do you know how many girls would kill to have the chance i'm giving you?" I answer, "Yep, bye." I start walking away and he yells out, "Fine, whatever whore."

I walk back up to him and ask very annoyed, "What was that Smith?" He replies with confidence, "I. Called. You. A. Whore." I punch him in the stomach and he drops to his knees letting out a noise of pain.

  I say before storming off, "What you said doesn't even make sense, I said no, so the opposite of a whore actually, buy a dictionary."

I walk into the bathroom on Ms.Venable's hallway before heading to class. So many girls are standing around a specific stall and whispering things to one another with horrified expressions.

I walk over to see what they're looking at and nothing could ever prepare me for what I saw. Brynn HANGING on the rod by a rope. I start crying and run over to the trash can to throw up.

  I stand against the wall and slowly sit down as I start whispering to my self on a loop, "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!"

A staff woman walks into the bathroom and tells everyone to get out and go to class. I run to the nearest teacher lounge and sit behind the couch as I sob. The picture stays in my head and I can't get it to go away.

They're dead ~Ms. Venable AHSWhere stories live. Discover now