Chapter 1

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AN: Didn't know what to title the book so I hope what I came up with is decent haha.
Hope you enjoy the first chapter! I have already written a couple and i'm excited for you good humans to read bc I like it so far. Key bye 👋

Word count: 1, 611

I'm sitting in the passenger's seat of my best friend since kindergarten, Cory's, car on the way to school, with him in the driver's seat. The music is blasting through the speakers.

He asks, "Ready for the first day?" I shake my head replying, "Not really, first days are nerve racking." He responds, "Come on, you always say that. This is different, it's our last year of highschool!"

I say, "Well, i'm not going to miss wearing uniforms, the same damn thing after a while gets boring. I now hate the color green." He chuckles saying, "That's the spirit!"

When we pull up to school, he parks the car in his assigned spot

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When we pull up to school, he parks the car in his assigned spot. He waited in a two hour line to make sure this year his parking spot was up front because last year he got stuck with the last row because he didn't know it was first come first pick, he didn't like the long walk.

  We get out and head towards the school's front doors. We walk upstairs to room 24 on D hallway to meet up with our friend group and hangout before classes start. We've done this every school morning since middle school, with one another but different friends groups every once in a while because the friendships would end, because that's life.

We arrive at the hallway and as we're walking down, I see a new teacher pass by us, my brain kind of stops. She's the actual most beautiful woman i've ever seen. Oh wow. We reach the room and see Lamont and Camden. It appears Hayley isn't here yet, his girlfriend. Maybe she's sick, or dead... just probably kidding, one can only hope.

  Her and Cory got together at the end of junior year, so a few months ago. She is actually the most annoying person i've ever met. I can't say anything to him about how much she drives me to insanity because he seems happy and I want him to be. Even if I have to put with her trying to separate us as much as possible. She knows I don't like boys but still gets very jealous of our friendship, so obnoxious.

  After about ten minutes of us talking, Hayley walks up to our our table, science so tables not desks. She sits on Cory's leg and giggles saying, "Hi there babe!" He replies, "Hey sweetie." She pulls him in for a quick kiss and looks at me while there lips are connected, like she's trying to make me jealous. She says to me, with an annoyed giggle, "Oh, and Y/n, you're here to." I nod and respond, "Yeah Hayley, I am."

  She says, "Soooo, purple hair this time, another CRAZY color, WOW. You know I think you looked better brunette, maybe you could come over some time and let me help you dye it back." I reply annoyed, "No Hayley i'm fine with my purple hair and don't care about your opinion." Cory steps in saying to Hayley, "Hayley please, she really likes using fun colors on her hair, I think it's awesome and cool, don't be like that."

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