Most of the time i'm too nervous to talk infront of a big crowd of people so I usually just say for an interesting fact that i'm left handed."

  She nods and says, "Sounds fun. I've noticed that you write with your left hand, it's so cute." I blush as I reply, "It is fun, also a very comfortable space, everyone is so friendly."

After somemore conversation for about ten minutes, we arrive at her house. Talking with her is so great. There's never an awkward silence and if it is silent, it's comfortable.

  The conversation just flows and everything she talks about is so interesting, well I mean she could talk about anything and I would be interested. I find it so cute how she seems so invested in learning anything and everything about me.

  Her house is very nice looking and also purple. She gets out of the car and I stay seated because I think she's going to open my door for me again. It's so adorable how she did that.

  I hear the door open and I get out of the car. I give her a smile and she shuts the door. I say with a light smile, "Thank you ma'am." She lightly chuckles and unlocks her front door.

We walk inside and she says, "Dinner tonight is Chicken Piccata Pasta." I reply as she shuts the door, "Oh, yum." She says, "I thought you'd like it. What would you like to drink? We have water, lemonade, and bubbly."

I answer, "Lemonade sounds good." She smiles and replies, "Coming right up, you can have a seat in the dinning room." I nod and we head our separate ways.

I walk into the dinning room and it's a nice dark purple shade. The lights are off and it has some candles lit. So does that mean this is a date? Please be a date. Well I mean obviously this is, right? I mean why else would she invite me to have dinner with her.

  I sit down and she comes into the room and sits across from me after placing my drink infront of me.

A few seconds later, a women walks in and places our plates infront of us. Ms.Venable has servants? On a teacher's salary?

She asks, "So how long have you and Brynn know one another?" I answer after swallowing, "Five years." She nods and asks, "Do you hangout after school at all?"

I reply, "We do sometimes." She nods again and asks, "How's your food taste?" I respond, "It's very good, thank you." She smiles and says, "You are welcome."

  I am a bit nervous to ask and make things uncomfortable, but I'm curious as to what she will say.

  I ask, "What's the reason you invited me over?"

  It takes her a moment to respond but she does with, "I, I like your company, you are a very sweet girl." I blush and respond, "Thanks, sorry about my note passing today." She replies, "No that's alright little one, it's Brynn that causes trouble not you, you're perfect."

After we finish our meal, we walk over to the couch to chat some more. She starts getting a little closer to me and places her hand on my thigh. I blush and try to shove down my excitement, and also ignore some wetness in my panties.

She puts her bubbly down and I leans in to kiss her. She backs away and say tearing up, "That's not funny." I asks confused, "What's wrong?" She answers, "Why would you try to kiss me? I mean, it's not like you could like me back." I reply confused, "But Ms.Venable, I do like you."

  She says, slightly tearing up, "You couldn't possibly, i'm just well... me."

  I put my hands in hers and respond, "You're you're so beautiful and so just amazing, I do really like you." She slowly nods and I say, "Let me show you that I really do." I close the gap between our lips. It's a nice passionate kiss.

  Once we break it, when we are in need of oxygen, She says as we're trying to catch our breath, "Y/n, that was amazing." I smirk as I respond, "Then let's do it again."

We kiss for a while and I notice the clock, 8:30pm. My parents let me go out and hangout and do whatever as long as I'm home when they walk into the house, 9:00pm.

I say, "Ms.Venable this evening has been amazing but I do need to be home a bit before nine." She nods and replies, "Of course."

  We get up and walk towards the door. She opens my door again and closes it. She into her side of the car and starts it.

  She stops infront of my house and I say, "Bye, thank you again, I very much enjoyed tonight."

  She replies smiling, "Bye, of course, I had a great time as well, i'll see you on friday." I lean in and peck her lips then say, "See you then."

  She get out of the car and opens my door. I get out of it and peck her lips again. She gets back into her car.

  I walk up the driveway and grab my key to unlock the door heading inside.

Friday morning, I'm at my locker and see one of my friends from GSA that i've know since sophomore year.

  She walks up to me and says, "Hey Y/n, how's your first week been? I can't believe this is our last year, that's crazy. We've been talking about future plans all our lives, and especially in the past few years, but it always felt a million years away and now it's almost here."

  I respond, "Oh my god Kiley, I know it's crazy." We chuckle and all the sudden I hear Ms.Venable say, "Girls, you might as well start walking to class, the bell is about to ring." Was that jealousy?

They're dead ~Ms. Venable AHSWhere stories live. Discover now