(S1 : E3) Dead in the Water

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A bright light appeared and a group of teenagers or young adults appear out of nowhere they have thought to be dead but when the light disappeared the Winchester family called out there their names. all 3 Kevin, Charlie, and Claire turned around and saw the Winchester brothers plus Cass and Jack were surprised because it's been a very very long time since they seen them and jumped into their arms.

Before anyone can make a sound God said " these three will be with you guys watching the story and seeing how everything has developed their names are Kevin, Charlie, Clare, all 3 them them have a big role in there life....

they sat near the brothers next to jack on the floor them mad themselves comfortable

3 (S1:E3)

In Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin, a man sat on the kitchen counter eating cereal, another man at the table reading the newspaper. A woman walked into the room.

She kissed her father on the cheek. "Morning, Daddy."

"Morning, sweetheart," he called back.

Dean remembered that case. It was weird to seeing them alive before they died, seeing how close parents were to their children. It was odd.

The lady went to get something out of the refrigerator.

"All these workouts, Soph, I don't know. Guys don't like buff girls," her brother called out.

"Hey, I resent that," all the women in the room called out.

"Yeah, well, girls don't like guys who still live at home," Sophie said.

Sophie's brother drained the milk from his cereal bowl and slid off the counter. "Ha ha ha."

"Ha ha," mocked as she opened the door to leave.

"Be careful," her father called.

"I will," Sophie answered as she closed the door.

Sophie stood on the dock, looking at the lake. Her brother watched from a distance as she dove in. She swam and came up for air, looking around; she saw no one. She kept swimming, then came up for air again and looked around some more; still no one. Someone approached her from underwater and pulled her under. Bubbles, then nothing.

"Welp, I guess I'm never going swimming again."

"Dean, when was the last time you even went swimming?" Sam asked his brother.

When he was having trouble remembering, Cas answered for him, "nearly a year ago. Remember we took jack to a pool so he could learn how to swim."

A truck blew past a neon sign that read hotel behind a building that says The Lynnwood Inn. The Impala was parked out front.

In the restaurant, there was a mostly empty plate in front of Dean, who was circling obituaries in a newspaper. Dean circled an obituary that read: CARLTON, SOPHIE -The Carlton family is sad to announce the death of their beloved daughter in a tragic swimming accident. Sophie Carlton, 18, was having her [...] Lake Manitoc WI, an [...] suddenly [...]

An attractive waitress, whose nametag said Wendy, approached. "Can I get you anything else?" She asked.

Dean looked up and grinned around the pen he was chewing on.

"Is it weird that I find that hot?" one of the girls whisper to there friends

Dick eventually joined in, followed by Tim and Damian . Diana just chuckled.

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