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Only a couple thousand miles into the Nether, Zalkhain paced to and fro down their hallway. Internally, they were panicking. Yes, yes, panicking. Something they'd been doing since they'd seen you. For some reason, they knew something was wrong—something was off with you and your eagerness to surround yourself by royalty.

Yet, all this time, they were unable to pinpoint what it was exactly that made you tick. Now they knew, though. It should've been obvious from the very beginning, yet they trusted you too much...

God, why had they trusted you so openly? Why were they so sure you'd do nothing wrong? You led them straight to the Ensidione empire!

The Astant people—they were never supposed to exist near Zalkhain's kingdom. Especially not while Kid seemed to be their ruler! And then, you called for them. They ended up arriving hours before Wilbur would've had complete control over his kingdom, and they slaughtered every single civilian there.

What was worse than that was how you seemed to almost speak to Kid directly! Like he could've been reading your thoughts, and no one would've known. Then, Kid tried killing Bunz. Bunz, that sweet cat... Bunz had been Sally's cat, if they were remembering correctly. Nearly the only thing Fundy had left of her was that cat, and now he, too, has been taken away.

"Zalk," Wilbur's voice was calm, but Zalkhain noticed the frantic breathing almost instantly. They whirled around to face him, expression softened and worrisome. "Zalk, where are Y/N and Eret?"



The knife was stuck in the wall, and The Seer looked at him with a few more knives in their hands.

"Look, I don't want any trouble, I simply want to know what happened." He explained, putting one of his hands up whilst the other finding the hilt of a blade.

"'Who are you' would be a good way to start." The Seer stated.

"Subpoena." He answered, motioning for them to answer the same question.

"Call me Kid." They respond, lowering their knives.

"Now what happened?" Subpoena asked. You felt Eret tense up again, making you nearly suffocate.

"Quite simple really. I destroyed the country, leaders are who-knows-where, and now I want to murder two (2) teenagers." Kid listed.

"Okay, why did you destroy it, though? From what I heard from the merchants there was going to be a coronation." Subpoena forwarded.

"Oh, that? I don't think that's happening anytime soon, do you?" They chuckled. You noticed that both Kid and Ellis had their eyes on Subpoena, and not anything else.

"I don't think anything could happen like that for a while if the royals aren't even here!" Subpoena agreed. You tried stepping closer to the cell that held the now silent teenagers, then Eret reminded you that they're still here.

"Maybe you would like to join Ellis and I for a small sit-down so that we may get to know each other better?" Kid forwarded, knives hidden from sight.

"That sounds quite nice actually, lead the way." Subpoena agreed. The Seer led them and Ellis down the hall and out of sight. You waited until their footsteps were out of hearing before trying to yank out of Eret's grip.

"O-Oh! Sorry, so so sorry. I didn't realize tha-'' She began. You shushed him before they could continue.

"Do you know how to open these things?" You ask Tommy, who was still silent.

"Yep; middle set of bricks up three bricks from the thirteenth brick from the left." Tommy recited. You followed his words and found a loose brick with a set of keys inside it.

"What is this? Last I checked the prisoners shouldn't be able to get keys from the wall." You joke, finding the right key.

"I know from watching that Bunz and the dog are down a floor." Tommy acknowledged.

"We're getting them." You state, heading towards a staircase that you assumed led to the lower floor.

You got down the steps as fast as you could. They came to an end and you saw Charcoal and Bunz in cages. You held your hand up to silence Charcoal before he could bark. You opened the cages and carried Bunz as you and Charcoal made your way back up the stairs.

When you got back, Eret was carrying Tubbo, and Tommy was tired of the dungeons. You all began your way as stealthily as possible back to the portal. The portal was in plain sight when you heard footsteps behind you. You all blended into the wall as best you could and hoped that none of them would notice.

"Wait, so tell me again, you witnessed what?" Ellis chuckled. You held your breath and felt a small purr in your chest.

"Yeah I d-" Subpoena began then Kid shushed him.

"We aren't alone anymore, my friends! Maybe some citizens survived." They announced. The footsteps slowed as they got closer. You realized how close you were to the portal, and noticed that if you made a run for it, you might just make it. Looking at Eret, you nodded towards the bright portal, he and Tommy nodded back. You waited a little longer to help your mind mentally process the actions you were about to do. Then you ran.


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