11- Compromise

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"Well..." Cain replies, hesitantly.

Years earlier, Jennifer lays in bed staring up at the ceiling. She turns over and runs her hand against the other pillow. "Rocky.. where are you?" She then turns again onto her back as she sheds a single tear and drifts off to sleep.

Her dream begins again, as it had so many times already, with the horrified screams of personnel, gunfire, and the growls and howls of multiple creatures. Unlike before, however, 682 stands before her. His body has fully recovered and his eyes seem to perse her soul.

"Run." 682 growls as he turns away from her. "I will try to hold them off." He then runs down the hall out of sight.

Jennifer turns, bumping into Lucifer. She slowly backs away.

"Time is up." Lucifer says sadly.

Jennifer wakes up suddenly. "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!" She screams and then, having realized it was only a dream, she begins sobbing uncontrollably. "I.. I can't do this.. by myself!"

The next morning, Sophia knocks on Jennifer's door.  Jennifer opens it and welcomes her in. They sit and begin to talk as the younger Sophia plays on the floor.

"So.. you are my daughter.. from ten years into the future?" Jennifer asks with a confused tone.

"Yes." Sophia replies, glancing at her younger self. "It is so strange looking at myself like this." She smiles slightly and then looks Jennifer in the eyes. "I know you feel lonely right now. I wish I could tell you something, but 343 made it so I can not divulge much detail of the future to anyone."

"Why would he do that?!" Jennifer asks excitedly.

"Everything must happen the way it happens. There is no changing it." Sophia replies.

Jennifer looks down. "And what.. of my dreams?"

"I can not comment on that either." Sophia replies.

"Then why do I die?!" Jennifer asks sadly.

Sophia looks away. "We all die.. Everything dies.. The whole world implodes. That is no secret, 343 has already said as much. Perhaps someone was showing you mercy."

Jennifer looks down. "Do I.. move to the next dimension?"

"I do not know that." Sophia answers.

Back in the present, 343 and Lucifer hurry to Dr. Therman's office. Inside, the old man and Therman sit enjoying tea. 

When they enter, the old man sighs and puts his cup down on a nearby table. He then looks up at 343 and Lucifer. "Is it already that time again?"

Both Lucifer and 343 nod silently.

Dr. Therman raises an eyebrow as she looks at the old man. "Director, are you implying you have been jumping dimensions with these two?!"

The old man nods. "How else do you think they get away with whatever they want?"

Dr. Therman groans.

"So who is the host of wrath?" The old man asks.

"Rocky Hagino." Lucifer replies.

"Not 682, 096, even..." 

"We saw wrath's aura with our own eyes." 343 interrupts.

The old man pulls a phone from his pocket and dials a number. After a few minutes someone answers. "Begin protocol armageddon."

"Understood." The voice replies before hanging up.

"What is protocol armageddon?" Dr. Therman asks.

"A mass execution of all high ranking members of the SCP Foundation as an act of mercy for the coming apocalypse." The old man replies solemnly.

"That.." She takes a deep breath. "Do they move to the next dimension?"

"We give them all a choice." 343 replies. "Some choose to go to New Edan."

"Oh.." Dr. Therman says as she turns towards the old man and slightly bows. "It has been a pleasure, Director."

The old man pulls a pistol quickly and shoots her in the head. "No. The pleasure was mine."

Lucifer begins towards the door.

"Where are you going?" 343 asks.

"I am going to show some mercy." Lucifer replies before leaving.

The old man begins sipping on his tea again. "I will self terminate once the order is fully carried out. Proceed with your plans."

343 nods sadly. "I hope your death is painless." He then disappears.

The old man groans as he looks over at Therman's dead body. "I probably should have kept you alive so I would have someone to talk to.."

SCP CopycatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora