"I don't need to be taken care of." I muttered after Yuki left. The guy just sat on his chair, looking and writing things on his paper. When he finished, he came to me with a blood pressure machine to check my blood pressure.

"You're in Oasis. Saying you don't need to be taken care of means you want to die." He said with all seriousness.

"People die here?"

"Nope, but I would love for you to be the first person."

"Douche bag."

He kept the machine after he was done checking me. He went to bring a bag and dumped them on my legs.

"See that curtain there?" He pointed to the blue curtain behind him. I nodded in response. "Take these clothes and shoes and go change. That's the uniform we were in Oasis."

"Won't you take the I.V drip out of my hands?" I asked him.

"Nope, this is the reason why you woke up today. Now for future references, also because I don't want to see you here again." I rolled my eyes at him but nodded to let him continue.

"Stop letting people hit your head and stop fainting every time your abilities show. Eat well so you'll have strength. Else this." He motioned to my head with was wrapped in bandages. "Will become a very dangerous matter for you in the future." He said and went back to his seat.

"But I feel fine." I said back. I wasn't lying, I didn't feel tired or weak as I had when I used my abilities before. I felt stronger.

"I don't care."

"I'm serious, I'll take it out myself. I can't be walking around with this pole on my first day here." I looked at the long metal-plastic thingy the IV drip was hung and connected to my hand with disgust.

"Be my guest." He said and took his phone.

I went behind the curtain and changed, careful of my head and my hand. The "uniform" was a white long sleeve shirt, which was a bit big for my figure but I couldn't care, I loved oversized clothes. And a long white trousers to go with white sneakers.

I changed and went out to meet the doctor.
"I'm done."

"I can see that. Wait here, I'll call someone to accompany you to the testing room."

"Testing room?" I asked "Wasn't I just tested?"

He looked at me like I grew two heads as I used my finger to motion around the room.
"Oh! Yes you were tested, only because you were injured. But the testing room you're headed to is to check your abilities so we label you dangerous or not. After we're done with the labelling, then can your rehabilitation start." He said, his eyes concentrated on his phone.

"Rehabilitation? Makes it sound like I'm a druggie." I muttered.

"It's whatever you want to call it. The rest of the people call it training, I call it rehabilitation."

"Why training?"

"Huh?" He asked, setting his phone aside and looking at me for the first time since I changed.
"I don't know. Just sit and let me be." He said and picked his phone back up.

I ignored his attitude and started walking around the room, checking out the posters. I saw a picture portrait so I decided to check it because it was turned to the back. Immediately I touched it, I heard a loud knock on the door which caused me to jump on fright and drop the portrait. The sound of glass breaking got the attention of the doctor as he literally ran to where I was and turned me around, violently.

"What did you just do?" He sneered at me.

"The picture just magically fell on the floor because it was tired of the attention you were given to it." I responded but one look at his angry face had me rearranging my composure and sentence.

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