Chapter Thirty-One

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It's a gray, wet morning with a thin, wind blown drizzle blanketing the capital and the whole manor house seems still as Peter makes his way down to the dining room. He's late, not that it mattered. There was nothing saying that he needed to have breakfast or be involved with any of the meals during the day. The whole thing was rude to Rem and whoever else was cooking the meal this morning.

Then as he gets closer to the dinning room he notices that there is no one around. Not only that, there is no smell of food in the air, no dishes waiting to be carried off or any signs that there had been a meal in here at all. Peter closed his eyes, concentrating for a moment to try and see if he felt or heard anything nearby.

Footsteps nearby.

Peter opened his eyes and turned to look down to the nearby corner where the hallway turned. There was something strange in the gait of the steps that were coming. He could almost recognize the one walking. A clear picture of the person came to his mind: Ferris.

Ferris appeared around the corner breathing heavily, his hands clasped together up in front of himself. His facial expression was one of panic, worry.

"Peter Parker, there you are," said Ferris. "They thought that I should go get you, there's been an issue."

"What happened?"

"It's Rem. She sensed something," said Ferris.

On instinct Peter ran for the war room. He knew that was where the others, at least in part were. If anything Crusch and Rem could be counted on to be there, probably with Steve. He didn't want to waste too much time getting up there, so he went through one of the rooms and goes out of the window to make his way up the manor and over the roof. From there he jumped to clear the top of the manor and zip webbed himself toward the side of the house where the war room was.

He dropped onto the awning and crawled down to it to reach the war room's window. Peter could see Rem, Steve, and already by the window as if she was waiting for him was Crusch. She slid the window open to let him inside and stepped back so that he could wiggle himself inside of the room.

Peter walked across the room taking everything in. Steve was standing over near Rem with his arm around her.

"I guess that you were waiting for me this time," Peter said pointing to the window.

"Well, we are becoming more used to your eccentric ways, Mister Parker," Crusch said.

"What's going on? Is this about the Whale?" Peter asked.

"Not exactly," Crusch said.

Steve spoke up. "Something happened this morning to Rem—she woke up suddenly with this kind of bad feeling. She can explain it better."

"The feeling that I felt was something like a presence that I sensed through the emotions that I share with my sister," Rem said, still standing close to Steve. "I wish that she could have used her clairvoyance to get a clearer picture."

"Ram has psychic powers?" Peter asked.

"It's really a connection that manifests itself as a telepathic link and mild Synesthesia," Rem explained.

"Synesthesia? That's like when can see a color and it's strongly associated with a smell or sound," Peter said rambling off the definition. "I guess it could just be any two senses crossed though."

Rem made a small sound. "I use it to mean that there are times when she feels something and I can feel it, but it's not all of the time and it's not always on purpose."

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